Thermionic Deluxe lots of noise even while bypassed


Active member
My Thermionic Deluxe seems to work fine, has a cool sound, but induces a lot of noise on my signal even on my clean sound when it's turned off; and when it's on it's terrible;
I tested with only this pedal in the chain (lots of noise) and with guitar straight to amp (zero noise)
I didn't notice during the week while only playing it through computer plugins, but yesterday I plugged it on my real amps and it was terrible;

Captura de Tela 2024-07-19 às 12.52.22.png
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You may want to try shielded wire going to/from the jacks since this is a high gain pedal. Does putting a buffer in front help?
I don't have shielded wire and I'm shipping this pedal on monday to my friend; may insulation tape on the connections help with it?
And I put a Boss pedal in front of it and it's the same
the noise gets more intense when I interact with the wires connected to the tip of both in and out jacks;
it gets a little quieter when I touch the pedal; likely a ground issue, but I have no ideia of how to fix it
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You'll need to scrape the paint/color off around the jacks on the inside of the enclosure. A razor blade or sandpaper will get the job done. Since the jacks are connected to ground, making the contact between the jacks and the enclosure will most likely tone down the noise.
I'd look really closely at these connections.

Nothing on the PCB would cause noise when the pedal is bypassed, that has to be an offboard wiring / hardware issue.

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I remember the solder from one this points touched the other while I was working on that switch; but I heated it again until it separates;
I will disassemble the thing and redo the connections in this switch 😢 at least now I have a solder sucker thing that I didn't when building this