New member
I bought two of the TPA3118 modules anticipating the next phase of this project. Patiently waiting... 

Not to rush the design process, but I am curious when are we going to get a glimpse of your PCB to work with this power amp module? Are you looking at a way to attache the power module to the new PCB? Or will the two boards coexist inside the case?
Thanks for the update. Very cool idea. Looks like a volume control on the other side. Do you also have a toggle for the mute function?
I think I’m this case “preamp” refers to a tone shaping circuit, since electric guitar amps have a lot of tone shaping (eq and/or distortion), and this amp module is just flat, so your plain guitar will sound thin and sterile.
I don’t think a boost will be necessary volume wise, just look for tone shaping, so maybe like an Emu, or Son of Ben maybe with a cab sim too. I haven’t tried any of these, just going by what folks have said.
I built one of those boards up into an enclosure and didn't really notice any impedance issues. It is very flat, EQ-wise, but even running our ol Tech21 Sansamp through it made a huge difference. The Fender settings sounded really good! Note that for optimum volume, you'll want the highest power supply it's rated for. I think I did a 24v one, but I'd have to check to confirm that. You also will get the most output going into a 4ohm speaker. I ran mine into a 16 ohm, and while it was loud, it was not really "keeping up with a drummer" loud. I imaging going into an 8 or 4 ohm would change the game quite a bit. But, for comparison, my wife's Princeton Reverb RI is much louder than this thing going into a 16ohm speaker.
Thanks for the details on your experience. So if the SansAmp made it sound good, I imagine my HX Stomp with amp (and maybe with or without) cab modeling should sound pretty good. I will report back once I have it in hand and set up.
One more thing -- is the isolated ground on the output jack the only trick I need to know?
BTW, in case you haven't found a schematic, I based mine off of this one:
Note that I omitted the 4700u cap. I tried with and without and didn't notice much of a difference in the noise floor. ymmv.
You read my mind - than you so much for sending that link. I assume the diode is simply to prevent reverse DC, and as you mentioned the electrolytic cap is probably just some additional filtering (which may not be needed). And the inout cap? Block possible DC on the input? that's probably optional as well, but I can afford to include it
BTW - doesn't 4700uF seem like a crazy high value to you?
BTW, in case you haven't found a schematic, I based mine off of this one:
Note that I omitted the 4700u cap. I tried with and without and didn't notice much of a difference in the noise floor. ymmv.