Trembling Loon and OCD


Well-known member

Not my absolute cleanest gut jobs, but when you’re trying to cram mod boards in, things get a little messy. The Loon build is using an intelligent relay board to switch another 10u cap in series so that you can double the rate either briefly or extended. The OCD is using a board from Tayda and has a clean blend board (Nucleonfx fusion based on the old Schooner circuit) and a charge pump included so no need to buy a special power supply to run it at 18v.
Not too bad. The weird thing on this board was that the drill template/board are upside down to a traditional 3 knobber having just the tone up top. It was nice that the pots were placed in such a way to have the board sit directly under the pots. I can’t say much since the ocd and charge pump boards are the only ones I’ve built.
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How are those Tayda boards? I was looking at them the other day
I've built a DOD 250 and a BSIAB2 using Tayda boards. No complaints, other than they lack schematics. The docs gives you the components for the MXR Dist+ and since I wanted to build the DOD I had to map the values from one to another--having a schematic would've made that easier, I had to use a MM to follow every trace to make sure I was substituting the right component.

Also, the MXR/DOD one didn't have power filtering caps or diode protection--and I notice some of their circuits do, and some don't. I'm guessing early MXRs don't have them either, and that's what they cloned, but most PCB makers these day add them.
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I love the 2x speed mod on the Loon, really allows for some interesting dynamics, plus you get a wider range of speed. The OCD is, well, an OCD. I know people love or hate them, I don’t hate them, but I have never fallen in love with one, not for lack of trying. The blend and charge pump were nice additions, but I ended up selling it to fund (another) Swart amp