Trembling Loon depth issue


Active member
Just finished a Trembling Loon. It does the tremolo thing just fine, but the Depth knob isn't functioning properly:

- There's no tremolo effect until about 10:00. It just sounds like a clean boost.

- The usable range of the Depth knob is limited to 10:00-2:00. It's really sensitive in this range.

- Past 2:00, the overall volume tapers off quickly until it's silent from 3:00 on. Cranking the Gain knob does nothing to bring it back.

Pics of my build are attached. I double checked that I have the right pot for Depth, but I haven't tested it with my DMM yet. Can this be tested in the circuit?

The only substitution is a Tayda KE-10720 for the LDR. I'm planning to get a GL-5516 from PPCB to replace it.

Besides the pot and the LDR, is there anything I'm missing?



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Thanks all. To answer Chuck's questions, I'm getting this behavior with the boxed closed up tight. When I take the lid off, I can see that the intensity of LED2 varies through the whole range of the Depth pot, as it should. This pot also measures correctly, so I think the issue is with the LDR.

I haven't measured the KE-10720 LDR yet, but will post results when I do so. I'm thinking about going the DIY Vactrol route once my GL5516's show up.

For what it's worth, it looks like another member built this pedal with KE-10720's as well: The orientation of LED2 and the LDR is slightly different than how I configured it... not sure if that makes a difference?

Good catch on the LED wiring. I have it wired so the Rate LED goes on and off with the footswitch. I just ran a wire from the "A" pad of LED1 to the LED anode, and ran the LED cathode to the footswitch. I left the pads for the regular on/off LED empty, although I went ahead and soldered a 4K7 in for it anyway.

Finally, a little digging on the Tremulus Lune turned up a thread on DIY Stompboxes that talks about changing resistor values to tweak LED2's behavior: I may explore this more if the GL5516's don't fix the issue.
I haven't built this one, but I did a couple Sproing Deluxe which I think is a similar tremolo circuit.

I found those to be pretty sensitive to the amount of light hitting the LDR to the point where adjusting the gap made a noticeable difference.

You could try increasing the gap or adding a little tab of scotch tape to the ldr for some more diffusion. If that moves things in the right direction you could try dimming the LED by bumping up it's resistor. If those things made it worse, you could go down on the resistor to brighten it up.