Tweedman circuit questions

The Gator

Well-known member
So I built the Tweed man circuit. I soldered up a bunch of SMD mpf4393 jfets. 20 to be exact. I tested them all using the breadboarded circuit that Chuck recommended and then put the results in a spreadsheet so I could sort them easily. I decided to use five of them that were all very similar. Vp tested at 1.82 to 1.87 and Idss from 1.60 to 1.68 mA. Q1 and Q2 received an almost matched pair.
The circuit definitely sound "tweedish" and the eq is really responsive.
The switch is a bit confusing. In the up position it is awesome!!! In the down position it is quite muffled. Lower output I understand, but the loss of high end in addition makes it seem not all that useful in my opinion.
From looking at the circuit, it looks like it cuts the Q2 circuit out completely. I am probably going to investigate changing hat a bit to my ears.
So I am interested in who else has thought and opinions on this circuit. Who has tried different jfets of different values?
Eh la bas ma stated he tried some different jfets and ultimately came back to the 4393s.
Anybody do any interesting mods to this cool circuit?
Thank you as always
Anybody do any interesting mods to this cool circuit?
Most obvious mod is to add a Presence control instead of the internal trimmer. This should easily solve your treble issue in Bass mode.

It's really useful to me... Edit : I just realize I already told you...

The EQ is allright, but I still use a GE-7 to shape the mids. On many circuits, 3 band EQ isn't enough to properly shape them, in my experience.
400, 800 and 1600 Hz sliders are much more effective than a single knob.

I mostly use it in Bass mode, at the end of the signal chain, to color an other dirt pedal, looking for a warm "amp" touch. Presence control is the main key to get there. Gain control usualy set in the first half of the rotation, or slightly above 12'.

Often useful to bring back some low frequencies in other gain effects that are a bit too trebly for my taste.

Two years and a lot of builds later, I am still amazed how it can bring an extra bit of life into the sound, when it's carefully adjusted.
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I am thinking about getting stupid with it and moving pots and the switch. Put it in a 1590BB2 and bring the presence to the outside. Maybe modify what the toggle does and make it a footswitch.
I am not much for the bass mode. Thinkin about making it do nothing but bypass Q2 circuit. That way it acts kinda like a boost in the lead mode.
This is the only one of the CB foundation pedal builds I actually kept, and it's for this pedal's capabilities as a preamp for clean tones in the low mode, which is supposed to be the stock bassman setting
So you're saying you use this pedal only for the "bassman warmth" position?
What amp are you going into?