I'm really pleased with how this pedal turned out so I decided to make a demo-video for it.
For the germanium side I used NOS AC128 transistors and NOS resistors and capacitors. For the silicon side I used NOS BC183A transistors and regular new resistors and capacitors. The only thing I added was a bodycontrol which is a basscut. I think this a really nice addition making the fuzz more versatile.
Enjoy the video and please like&subscribe .
I'm really pleased with how this pedal turned out so I decided to make a demo-video for it.
For the germanium side I used NOS AC128 transistors and NOS resistors and capacitors. For the silicon side I used NOS BC183A transistors and regular new resistors and capacitors. The only thing I added was a bodycontrol which is a basscut. I think this a really nice addition making the fuzz more versatile.
Enjoy the video and please like&subscribe .