DEMO [Vero] Deep Blue Delay #2 (w/ oscillation footswitch)

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Well-known member
so at the last few band prac sessions, the other guitarist and i have been sharing my deep blue delay, and it became clear i should just get on with it and build him one.

i asked him if he wanted to choose some colours via tayda links and he went for viola pink and cream knobs.
i noticed the other day, someone was talking about a mod where you can footswitch activate oscillation (where i would normally have to max out level/mix and repeats to achieve this).
and it’s so easy:
repeats lug 3 is shorted to level/mix lug 3 via switch. i chose a spst momentary softie thing.
it works so well 💪🏻

it’s an odd colour that looks very different in different lighting..


as i’ve probably said before, this delay circuit is excellent. kinda impressive what a single PT2399 with a dual opamp can do.
it sits right at the end of my chain and gets blasted by my OD808 thing and loves it.
and then for cleans it absolutely shimmers.
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I freakin love the DBD circuit. Call me crazy, but the verge-of-oscillation tone out of that thing, where the repeats start to shimmer without completely taking over your playing, is among the finest among delays.
I freakin love the DBD circuit. Call me crazy, but the verge-of-oscillation tone out of that thing, where the repeats start to shimmer without completely taking over your playing, is among the finest among delays.
it's pretty darn good for what appears to be pretty small / basic circuit. I haven't played many delays so I don't really have much to compare to.
but I kinda feel like it's a testament to the PT2399.
how can a 0.79c part bring so much happiness?