SOLVED War scythe (hoof reaper) octave squeal


New member
Hey all - ive seen some people with octave fuzzes and squeal issues in the past but cant seem to find any resolutions. Just finished the build, both fuzzes sound great but if i engage the octave with a fuzz on - it just screams at me. Even without a guitar plugged in just a brutal high pitch squeal. Tried to trouble shoot and reflow solder but cant seem to identify the issue

Pretty new to troubleshooting so any tips greatly appreciated
Hey all - ive seen some people with octave fuzzes and squeal issues in the past but cant seem to find any resolutions. Just finished the build, both fuzzes sound great but if i engage the octave with a fuzz on - it just screams at me. Even without a guitar plugged in just a brutal high pitch squeal. Tried to trouble shoot and reflow solder but cant seem to identify the issue

Pretty new to troubleshooting so any tips greatly appreciated
Please post some pics of both sides of the board, jacks and switches.
Update - if I only turn on the octave it sounds like there is a faint, high pitched oscillation or noose in the background and is faint. This is what gets amplified when fuzz is turned on. I have used an audio probe but cant seem to find the root cause. Anyone ever experience this on this build or other octaves?
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Q2 is missing in the pic.

Check the solder on C20. It looks like there's a leg missing on the solder side (could be the pic).
Yea i took q2 out of the socket for the pic to better see the components under. C20 i only used solder from the top side as i had oversized caps for that value and had normal sized ones on the way so i wanted it easier to replace. C20 is actually part of the hoof circuit, which has no issues as all.
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Are you fairly confident in the Ge transistors?
On hoof side, confident. The gt404 i have for the reaper side not as much. Those shouldn’t affect the octave portion though right? Essentially theres a high pitch noise that kicks in when i turn the octave on and can almost hear an oscillating pattern to it. The audio probe first picks it up at the right leg of q7. Havent yet swapped it out to see if that is the culprit. Then that noise gets amplified by the fuzz circuits
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