What else is on the breadboard? - The Mona Lisa Simpson OD

Are these diptrace creations? I dig them.
Yes. Spot on.
Are these going to be available to the masses?
Yes. I want to make these accessible to everyone on the forum. I have some family free time over the next days and I want to try and get as many Boneyard builds done as I can. Once verified, then I’ll make them open to all.
Where can one buy all your Boneyard PCBs, and are you planning on doing this one, too?
I generally release the gerbers so anyone can have their own made, but I also have spares and can send them through at a reasonable rate. Shipping is expensive (anywhere outside EU is €16 for example).

I wasn't planning on that one, it seems underwhelming, but maybe it's worth a breadboard to see if my mind changes. I won't tackle anything which is already available on PPCB, and it looks like you can just mod the Chela to do what you need. (Plus, 6 pots! That's just 3 pots too many for me :D)
We need to get a superthread with all these layouts (assuming people are willing to share them).
If I hadn't already come up with some tentative art plans (and had a pre-set drill enclosure) I was considering just going with yours - it's extremely well laid out.
Thanks, the jig needs another iteration.. I should have included the IO into it, as well as a switching mechanism. Lessons in prototyping..

I really enjoy making my own Darlington pairs, I had some MPSA18s but they're not my scene tonally. These 2N2218A on the other hand.. they sound great in everything I try! Makes for a really nice FF, low gain 70-90 hFE. Nice and mellow. I keep telling myself to make a Darlington pair adapter.

Took a little while to warm up to this one. I am so used to in your face pedals that I almost dismissed it. It really goes nicely in making a useful tone.
P.S. You're right about the casing. The collector is on the case, that's why they have a weird angle, but I need to put something like nail polish in between in case they shift (or shrink tubing is probably a better idea).
I swapped out Q2 at the same time, so I guess that was the tonal difference. I'll try swapping Q1 back again at some stage.
Here's my Mona.
Definitely a nice tight boost to low mid gainish affair, and the tightness helps to use this for crunchy rhythms on my Tele neck pickup without getting flubby. Stacks nicely in front of gainier pedals too.
For Q3 I ended up testing two Russian GE and a 2N3906 silicon, they all sounded very similar and I went for the IT308B in the end. Needed a bit of leg bending because of the non standard pinout, but that's all no probs.



