Feral Feline
Well-known member
There's something about this build that I can't get out of my mind...I bought a Defouler Distortion PCB when it was sold for $4 with a silkscreen error; couldn't pass up on that deal! This was also my first time buying a PCB. I had done one or two vero builds before, plus a wah pedal with etched PCBs for a high school project.
Anyways, its a great pedal. Made some noob mistakes, like melting the big 470uF WIMA cap when soldering the pots. The electrolytic cap hides it perfectly tho. Also, the transistor socket doesn't really hold on to the leads well, so I kept them long and put a little felt furniture foot on the back to push the transistor down.
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Knobs from an old Squier practice amp, really nice Switchcraft jacks from an old mixer. I really love this pedal, but I do wish it had more output. Ripe for modding...
I've since bought three more PPCB's: A Musket, Breakstreet, and Caesar. And I ain't stopping there!
I just love it ... I'm going to have to sand down a primered enclosure, stick some masking tape labels on it and then I'm going to clear-coat over top that.