What was your first PedalPCB build?

Hi, my name is Daniel and I'm new to this forum...
My first PedalPCB build was a Duo Phase. I have the Lola but it is so involved I just haven't been in the mood to start it. The Duo Phase has all the important stuff in it and it was quick to put together. The board layout is very nice and the PCB quality is great! I will build more of the PPCB projects.
I bought a Defouler Distortion PCB when it was sold for $4 with a silkscreen error; couldn't pass up on that deal! This was also my first time buying a PCB. I had done one or two vero builds before, plus a wah pedal with etched PCBs for a high school project.

Anyways, its a great pedal. Made some noob mistakes, like melting the big 470uF WIMA cap when soldering the pots. The electrolytic cap hides it perfectly tho :D. Also, the transistor socket doesn't really hold on to the leads well, so I kept them long and put a little felt furniture foot on the back to push the transistor down.

IMG_4164.JPG IMG_4165.JPG

Knobs from an old Squier practice amp, really nice Switchcraft jacks from an old mixer. I really love this pedal, but I do wish it had more output. Ripe for modding...

I've since bought three more PPCB's: A Musket, Breakstreet, and Caesar. And I ain't stopping there!
My first PedalPCB build (and second build ever) was a failed Mach 1 (Lightspeed), which I abandoned and followed with a fresh build that worked. Only down(up?)hill from there...
I still have a malfunctioning lightspeed I haven’t had the will you go back and keep troubleshooting. I’m at the “idk wtf is wrong so I’ll just replace everything stage”
How did it go?

Mine was the Ungula. Worked right out of the chute. Not all of my builds work first time, but that one did. That was the only time I used a metal power jack. It looked more robust than the plastic ones. I knew I was going to have to insulate it. Even though I had the right shoulder washers, it was a pain.
Great question! Man, I’m not sure if I’m remembering correctly but the Rain Coat may have been the first. The War Scythe came shortly thereafter and Mr. Bones helped me tremendously (and patiently I might add, thank you) with my noob questions on the GE trannies.
The Twill Deluxe. I remember being stoked to see the PCB for it because I had always remembered the demos Andy did for it a Pro Guitar Shop and wanting one. I had a problem that turned out to be the footswitch. I have had problems with 3 of about 8-10 of this batch I bought. In the troubleshooting thread I was directed to these and I haven't had a problem since:

Yep, the Thermionic Distortion was the first PCB available.

Technically the Raincoat and Kliche are the oldest ones, but they were both designed long before PedalPCB existed and weren't made available until later.
I've been stockpiling all my PedalPCB purchases in anticipation of moving, the packaging they come in is perfect for long-term storage. So I haven't built any of the 40+ boards I have accumulated.

However... move is delayed and the Low Tide just came in yesterday so that will be my first PPCB build. All parts are sourced and lined up; I'll start soldering tonight after hanging out with the niece and nephew today.
First was a magnetron delay I got as a kit from musikding.de. It went really well, only mistake was reversing the led.
This is a demo I made for friends, I speak norwegian in it so don’t worry about anything I say. Simply sounds like a salesman. Gave it the name Træg, which means slow in Norwegian. Rævhåll (asshole) is an opamp big muff built on vero. As you can see I haven’t gotten the painting on enclosures part down.

Jiminy, listening to Norwegian is mesmerizing enough, then you break out the delay o_O

must....change the page......losing consciou

Great build and demo!
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