
Love it! The sticker is rad!
Got a boomboom in my PCB pile that I want to build asap to replace my Hiero BEAD (my absolute favorite fuzz for bass, but they’re hard to come by now and I want to retire it to recording-only) on my bass board. You using it for guitar or for bass?

I wasn't familiar with the bead. Apparently the v.3 has an lpf with internal trimmer on the clean blend. That sounds like a pretty great idea.
So I've had some full volume rehearsals since I posted this and I felt a little update might be useful. I thought my favorite octave fuzz was the fuzzy fox, I even built up a second pcb with the mids mod toggle (awesome) but in real life context I actually struggled with getting a sound i was happy with. So that might end up a studio piece because I threw this yassmaster in its place this afternoon and my band mates were stoked. I think we all agreed that the fox was the cooler sound by itself but Chris Squire was not wrong about this circuit. It cuts well without losing all your thickness or sounding overly sharp.

I'm tempted to try adding a clean blend to the modded fuzzy fox, I think fuzzdog even has a blender based on the brassmaster. Hmmmmmm....
They look great.

As an Australian my first thought was "Why is someone making a pedal that refers to Yass?"

(It's a small town on the country's busiest interstate highway, familiar to anyone who's traveled by road between Melbourne and Sydney &/or Canberra.)
I thought exactly the same thing! I lived in Canberra for a while as a kid and one of my friends from that time now lives in Yass. Last time I went to Canberra we drove through Goulburn and I had forgotten how freakin cold it can get there!