zero's various pedal builds

Thought I'd make a thread for my builds, there's nothing that spectacular, maybe this is more just a thread for me to refer back to what I've done for myself.
I get all my shit from tayda cuz im a cheapskate.


Right to left
PPCB Boneyard Delegate
PPCB Uberdrive
PPCB Sherwood
PCBguitarmania Elk Device (as Hizumitas)
PCBguitarmania Acapulco Lite
PPCB Box & All EQ
(carbon copy mini)
Basic junction box underneath

I've got a Scabbard & PCBGM Mad Blue to build.
Delegate boneyard - I've run 5mm green LED into Tayda's KE-10720 LDR - I need to play around with it some more, it seems to be working but i have some options to tinker with.
My last order I was trying to be a cheapskate and so I ordered all mylar caps, obviously I've learned my lesson on this now seeing how big they are.
I think for this one I followed the PCB and so im using 220nf for C7 & C8


Uberdrive. Quite happy with this one, I may have modded the drive pot from 1M to something else...A500K? and I used 2SC1815's - I play an 8 string so I was looking for a low cut boost.
Sherwood OD - I think I did a few mods on this one; disconnected treble pin 1 and connected to bass pin 1 on the back. Was there something about soldering in a resistor to the pot - maybe that was a different pedal.
I forgot to insert the transistors, was quite suprised how much I liked it as it was, then plugged in the transistors and it didnt seem to sound different. Either way, a really nice light OD.


Hizumitas - I learned my lesson about ordering inferior PCBs. And PCB with no drilling templates that I had to measure myself. And did i mention mylar caps?
Pedal seems to be working - I really dont think I like fuzz. Sustain needs to be maxed to get anything noticeable out of it - possibly also just a shit PCB.


Acapulco Lite - Actually quite like this as a distortion pedal, and I can see how adding the volume pot is a nice touch. Super basic build, drilled way too fucking high though.


Box & All EQ - Basic EQ for a basic person. This is actually my second one, I built and sold one when I bought my helix, didnt think I'd need EQ again. I still dont but i also like building pedals apparently. I think it was this one with the 7.5K resistor soldered to the pot - see Chela mods - Its on the back, dont worry about it, it looks great.


And just a basic junction box for under the board. Ordered the wrong size box at tayda so then I had to trim the jacks on the right to get them to fit. dont worry about it.
nice lineup! never seen the greenies before, I'm sure they were super annoying to squish in there lol
Yeh I think in some pedals there's the space to use them and save 5-10c a cap over film, but I think 1-22nf is where they're okay, past 22nf you want to use film, but hey, I learned.
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