FV-1 Algoritm Patches


Well-known member
Here is a discussion opener for sharing stereo FV-1 patches here in this forum section.

I've begun the journey into true stereo algorithm patches for the FV-1 using SpinCAD Designer build version 0.98-1035
I'm more than happy to share them here. And I think it would be a good idea to settle on which format to present them to the group here in this forum.

Should I post them as single SpinCAD Designer (.SPCD) files, SpinCAD Designer Project (.SPBK) files, single SpinASM (.SPN) files, single Hex/Bin (.HEX/.BIN) files or all of the above.
Could even do simple text files in the SpinASM format - just change the file suffix from .TXT to .SPN

The important note is the difference between the different file types. Not everyone has SpinCAD Designer and/or SpinASM Assembler interface. And some folks work only with the .HEX/.BIN files for burning directly to an EEPROM. Sharing SpinASM project files is pointless because they do not contain the actual patches, just pointers to the *.ASM files where ever they were referred to/from last.

I'm creating the three fundamental X100 patches first ( CHOR/ECHO/BOTH ) because it is the project that has driven me to going full stereo with the FV-1. These three patches will be different from all others because I am establishing the three control pots to behave in such a way that when all three control pots are set at minimum, they will nail the default X100 FX - and tweaking the controls will take each of those beyond the X100 original FX behaviors. All other patches will NOT be set up that way for more feature rich algorithms. When I start posting the actual algorithms, each will come with explanations.

Other thoughts, suggestions, ideas?
I think the ASM (the .SPN file) is the lingua franca on the internet for the most part. Unfortunately the ASM output from SpinCad is not very pretty for people who are used to hand written ASM, so it probably makes sense to also post the original .SPCD files for people who want to modify it.

Posting the binaries probably only makes sense when you are done and it's at the "here make a pedal out of this" stage.

Is the X100 the Rockman thing that looks like a walkman?
I think the ASM (the .SPN file) is the lingua franca on the internet for the most part. Unfortunately the ASM output from SpinCad is not very pretty for people who are used to hand written ASM, so it probably makes sense to also post the original .SPCD files for people who want to modify it.

Posting the binaries probably only makes sense when you are done and it's at the "here make a pedal out of this" stage.

Is the X100 the Rockman thing that looks like a walkman?
I was thinking the same thing, regarding what file formats to share. I also know that some folks here do have the SpinCAD Designer application and if provided those specific file types, they could see what's happening and tweak/alter them to their liking. ASM, for me at least, is a bit trickier to modify.

What do you think about posting both the SpinCad Designer and ASM file types?

And yes, the Rockman X100 is the headphone amp that looks like a walkman. A friend I'm working with and I have been building out exact clones as pedals instead of 'Walkman' type devices. In our version 3 (V3) of them, we will be using the FV-1 for the effects because the MN3011 chips have gotten so expensive and hard to find. The V1 and V2 builds have been using an expensive 8.5" x 5.5" x 2.25" enclosure. We're in the process of consolidating the X100 preamp section (everything but the FX) so it will fit into a 1590D or 1590DD enclosure. Our first Photoshop mockup rendition of the RMS V3 may look something like this . . . .

Sounds cool. Interested in seeing what you come up with.

I wonder if the chorus will have the same "charm" as the BBD. That's a pretty specific sound to emulate.
Sounds cool. Interested in seeing what you come up with.

I wonder if the chorus will have the same "charm" as the BBD. That's a pretty specific sound to emulate.
We believe we've already nailed the X100 Chorus, Echo & Both. Much time has already been spent analyzing the X100 rev 10 FX section. What makes the X100 chorus sound unique is that compressor circuit Tom designed into the preamp section. That part will still be analog. The chorus was actually fairly quick to achieve with an FV-1. The hard part was getting the echo right. Every-other tap of the MN3011 is sent to one channel, and the other three taps sent to the other channel with a specific amount of feedback that sets the amount of echo length. It's rather short.

This is a shot of the test jig for testing FV-1 patches with an X100. Note how the X100 PCBs are empty where the FX components belong. The board on top is the SpinSemi FV-1 Development board - it's a full-on stereo FV-1 test bed.

FX100_Prototype_Test _01.jpg

We're stoked about the project. We hope to have a working V3 by the end of June.
Wow, I just stumbled across this thread. Did you ever finalize the X100 patches you were working on? I've been going down a rock man rabbit hole lately. lol
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Wow, I just stumbled across this thread. Did you ever finalize the X100 patches you were working on? I've been going down a rock man rabbit hole lately. lol
Pretty much. I'm just waiting for my bench partner to catch up so we can compare notes and cross-audit them. We still need to fine-tune them and set them up for mono-in.

Meanwhile, there are a couple of them (alpha releases with stereo-in [the X100 effects will be mono-in]) in this thread. They are the "Dual_Stereo_Delay_St-In_MD.spcd/spn" and the "Echo_Chorus_St-In_MD.spcd/spn".
Pretty much. I'm just waiting for my bench partner to catch up so we can compare notes and cross-audit them. We still need to fine-tune them and set them up for mono-in.

Meanwhile, there are a couple of them (alpha releases with stereo-in [the X100 effects will be mono-in]) in this thread. They are the "Dual_Stereo_Delay_St-In_MD.spcd/spn" and the "Echo_Chorus_St-In_MD.spcd/spn".
Be cool if y’all sold the EPROMs independently to help compensate for the time put into the programming.