Best projects for doom metal?

Doom is the main metal I’m into and I’m a little intimidated by how little I know about other types so I figured I could be wrong lol
You ended up in the right place by my book. Most other metal genres aren't nearly as chill and (to my recollection) there's a general leaning towards elitism among metalheads. Nice people in general but they took music a bit too seriously from what I remember going to all the shows and talking with others.

Doom also happens to be a genre without gatekeepers. One doom project can sound wildly different than another and most people are happy to accept both at face value rather than split hairs on the many sub-genres.

Everything I say here is subject to me being uninformed. Just personal experience talking.
Doom also happens to be a genre without gatekeepers. One doom project can sound wildly different than another and most people are happy to accept both at face value rather than split hairs on the many sub-genres.

Everything I say here is subject to me being uninformed. Just personal experience talking.

As someone who has played in doom or adjacent bands most of my adult life, agreed! Best community around.
The QM uses four op amp stages where only two are required:
  • Stage 1: Provides the gain that drives the hard-clipping diodes. This is the same as the 250.
  • Stage 2: Unnecessary 26dB boost. The next stage is an active filter that doesn't introduce insertion loss. Omit that and a coupling cap.
  • Stage 3: Part of the active filter network.
  • Stage 4: Extra op amp stage being used as a non-inverting voltage follower because ???
In re the filter stage, the architecture looks okay, but the values seem strange to me. Does it perform well and seem reasonably tuned? Is this thing incredibly loud?
It seems pretty well tuned to me.

Unity is 9-10:00, so nothing out of the ordinary there. Here is a gutshot of my pedal. Can post the other side if anyone is very interested.


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No problems.

I played around with it some, and I can indeed vouch for goodness stacking into rat. Into muff circuits, it sounds horrible. Forgot to test into preamps (model feT, etc). The EQ is fairly powerful, the distortion is pretty decent, but nothing amazingly incredible. [Edit: sounds good into the model feT/mofeTa]

I still think I prefer using a BD-2 for that mike scheidt super heavily distorted yet articulate crazy chord sound.
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No problems.

I played around with it some, and I can indeed vouch for goodness stacking into rat. Into muff circuits, it sounds horrible. Forgot to test into preamps (model feT, etc). The EQ is fairly powerful, the distortion is pretty decent, but nothing amazingly incredible. [Edit: sounds good into the model feat]

I still think I prefer using a BD-2 for that mike scheidt super heavily distorted yet articulate crazy chord sound.
do you just use the bd-2 and EQ to drive your amp? what kind of amp you using?
For the purposes of this discussion, it was a little Orange solid-state cube amp. Nothing special, but good tones to test with, and also minding the "minimal crossing of threshold annoyance" with my SO. Or else I get some hard clipping on my amplification.

I do have a Sunn Sonaro into a 2x15 cab and a silverface Twin Reverb. I actually think a BD-2 and a good EQ might be a great starting point to drive any amp! That pedal... it's special.

But maybe I wasn't clear--I was talking about the EQ/tone section on the Quantum Mystic stacking into the rat, muff, and mofeTa preamp and other various pedals for "that Mike Scheidt tone"-- I actually think I prefer the BD-2 to get that distortion + clarity thing.

It's hard not to get a good tone going into the mofeTa, though. That thing was made for other pedals. Sounds very meh on its own, really comes alive with a boost or drive.

The other suggestion for doomish tones is the fuzzhugger algal bloom/PPCB Plecostomus--can get some a large variety of very excellent ragged and throaty tones. Partially why I was disappointed in the doom bloom--it has a lot of clipping, but it's too even and "synthy" for lack of a better word--at least for my build. Kind of sterile and not very dynamic or interesting to me.
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I'm not in a doom band, but we do "doom"-ish sections in our music.

Side note: When I first heard of the life pedal, I thought "huh, that's cool". I was gigging with a a green ringer --> rat --> dimed AC15 over 20 years ago! Now I'm looking for something different.

I'm fresh with the building bug (started over xmas), I've been taking apart my board and putting it back together between every jam session.

This latest iteration I tried last saturday was giving me some really awesome sludge.
Micro POGOctave Down
Curds and WheyWavefolding / Filter
OctaclaveOctave Up
Closed Circuit B/LComp

Basically all of these are replaceable with a pedal of a similar type. For example, before I started building pedals, it was:

Micro POG
Boss SYB-3 (mode 8)
GGG Ring Dinger
Vintage RAT

Another fun substitute for the "octave up" slot for me was the Schadenfreude. Maybe not an octave up, but when you go from the Curds and Whey into it, the sum is greater than it's parts and you can get really wicked sounds.
This came through my feed:

Always dig the Anderton's shootouts if only for just hearing a bunch of pedals.

Even if the settings they choose are not necessarily optimal.