Submersible/Frequency Interchange


Well-known member
So I've already posted a report for this Frequency Interchange but the Submersible is new. I took the FI off my board to make room for the drebbel a while back since I use a nobelium pre that has its own hpf switch. I've greatly enjoyed using both pre's together but I have been wishing I had my hpf on a knob rather than the switch on the nobelium.

When the submersible got released It occurred to me that I could fit both of these in a 125b. I tend to keep the switches on my drebbel in the submarine position so I'm mostly missing the body pot which I was finding useful but fairly subtle. So all in all, this thing's almost the best of both worlds. Skipped the bypsss switch since I use both circuits always on.

I built the drebbel before buying my DCA75 so I'm not sure how close my jfets come to the necessary specs in the build docs. The fets I put in the submersible here are quite close. It does sound different but both sound excellent. I'll need more time to opine further on toanal differences. Hammered grey from

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toanal differences
