Pedal companies that also sell pcbs/kits? (Frost Giant, EAE, Catalinbread,GCI)


Well-known member
I was just wondering if you guys have come across any other pedal brands that also sell some pcbs? I have bought some from Frost Giant(also bought some custom muff knobs), Electronic Audio Experiments, and God City Instruments. I have seen the Catalinbread kits but thats not really my thing. Have you guys come across any other pedal companies that also slang pcbs?
Not a Klon by JHS? I realize it's not exactly a pcb, but just saying. And yes, I've see a few from Catlinbread and MAS...
I was just wondering if you guys have come across any other pedal brands that also sell some pcbs? I have bought some from Frost Giant(also bought some custom muff knobs), Electronic Audio Experiments, and God City Instruments. I have seen the Catalinbread kits but thats not really my thing. Have you guys come across any other pedal companies that also slang pcbs?
I didn't know Frost Giant had PCBs! Grabbing them both. Thanks for the heads-up there.
Wampler did that WAY back when, briefly.
I forget the company name it was under, but he had kits similar to GGG - i.e. the classics - but also a few Wampler circuits as well. I still have the CrankedAC PCB.
Hell,... I'll sell you a kit. Let me go take one of my pedals
Just a joke. I remember buying model airplane kits and the picture on the box was amazing. Inside was a pile of balsa sticks and a layout plan. Always felt like I paid too much at that point.
Wampler did that WAY back when, briefly.

There's not really any kits at the moment, but Wampler does still have a DIY site.

hate to be a naysayer but the frost giant knobs are not great. I ordered a set on march 31st along with a pcb. something happened and after correspondence i just got them today. They have fingerprints imbedded in the knobs and they are significantly cloudier and the images on their store. The paint in the indicator dot is out of bounds. And they have burrs or Ieftover fragments of plastic from molding process . I havent assembled the pcb yet. I bought the "black gold". I will still build it and hope it sounds good but overall I feel I dissapointed with the knobs. I know I can polish them up but I paid more for these than any other knob I have purchased and these don’t even come close to the cheapest thing I’ve bought. I get that it is difficult to recreate these things but maybe hone your craft a little before charging exhorbatent prices. These are $2 knobs at best. And thats being hella generous. but anyways I had a shitty day at work and I am probaby misdirecting a little of my anger at frost giant but still. Do better frost giant! or charge less. image.jpg

Edit: now im gonna go polish my knobs...🤣
also i really hate being a naysayer... these pictures make them look ok but they suck
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I’d imagine you’ll get a new set if you bring it up with him. Really the only place this convo needs to go…