Has anyone EVER seen a pcb for a “Deluxe Electric Mistress” Pic inside


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Found this searching the topic. Wonder if the guy just used an electric mistress board? I miss my Deluxe.


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All of these are clones of the original 18v electric mistress though aren’t they? Both have a unique sound. I’ve always thought the 24v Deluxe sounded better. Grated I’ve only owned one deluxe but have owned 3 different iterations of the EHX green mistress and one well known clone.

I wonder why nobody has attempted a Mistress/Small clone switchable hybrid. They sound very close with that hollow, metallic top end. Wonder what a small clone with a delay time and maybe color knob would sound like. I’m getting off track here.
Thanks for the info. What makes it different from madbeans current lover or the other couple mistress clones out there? I didn’t k is the 90a ri were regulated from 24v to 12v.
What makes it different from madbeans current lover or the other couple mistress clones out there?
read the build docs.
and then decide for yourself which you would like to build more:

main difference for me, is the old chap requires 18V supply, where current lover will run off 9V, 12V or 18V (18V regulated down to 15V), depending on how you wanna go about it.
@owlexifry Appreciate the suggestions and your thoughts. I have looked through the build docs but those project are way above my skill level. I just fix easy broken pedals, some mods and easy dirty pedals. A friend would build this for me. If anyone has one at a good price feel free to pm me though.

I’m just trying to learn.
@Guardians of the analog Why the roll eyes emoji? Is that frowned upon hear or am I on the gear page and didn’t realize?
Does it matter why I did? I can't imagine being butthurt over someone's reaction to something I typed on the Internet. You showed a picture and it was like we were expected to know. I also imagine that if you clicked the link that you saw the image on, it would have more than likely brought up MBP, diySB or fsb. All the answers you seek are literally a Google search away and would have taken less time and effort than creating a thread and then arguing about voltage when there is an entire website devoted to the mistress and literally every single detail about every single version of the pedal. When I see people come in and ask things they could have figured out on their own I roll my eyes🤷
@owlexifry Appreciate the suggestions and your thoughts. I have looked through the build docs but those project are way above my skill level. I just fix easy broken pedals, some mods and easy dirty pedals. A friend would build this for me. If anyone has one at a good price feel free to pm me though.

I’m just trying to learn.
I was intimidated building the current lover but madbean build docs are very thorough and comforted me in my time of need. Don’t sell yourself short. It’s easier than it looks and totally worth it in the end. My current lover hasn’t left my board since I finished it. I don’t even think I calibrated it haha. It sounded great first plug in. Here is my build. https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/ehx-electric-mistress-mbp-current-lover.19869/
@Guardians of the analog 🙄 Not worth it. Thanks for your thoughts and insights. Have a great day man
Your right, diy ain't worth it with that attitude. I hope your friend builds it or you get a good deal on someone else's build. Glad I got to make a new friend.