REQUEST Circulator 125B

Requesting confirmation of Circulator- Is it just 6 knob type using the correct drill diameters for the switches and pots?
No idea but here's one way to check.
Print out a 6 knob drill pattern. Put a dot on the middle of each hole
Lay the pcb on top, centering lug 2 on the dot. Does it line up?
If so, place a footswitch board on the paper, centered on the footswitch. Move the pcb down to accomodate pot height. You can ever place apot in the pcb.
This will give you an idea how much wiggle room you have vertically (I like to move the drill pattern down a couple mm if there's room).
Hope this helps.
This one was built buy the pedalpcb 6 knob emclosure from tayda. IMG_7934.jpeg
This one was built using the pedalpcb 6 knob predrilled from tayda. The washers arojnd the switches arent necessary to fill the hole your nut will make the 7mm hole be fine, but i liked the look.