Can anyone recommend a tube screamer


Active member
Hi all,

Probably a stupid question as the title thread, but I would love some suggestions. I have a friend who has asked me to build him a drive pedal. He has only been playing for a year or so, and I let him use a slightly modified (switch for bright and bass response) TS9 based pedal. Anyway he loves it and has asked my to build him a screamer style pedal. I've got a lot of TS based pedals and while I don't mind them, I don't love them. I was wondering if I could get some suggestions off the good people here who love TS style pedals and have built a really good one that they can recommend? I'd like to give him something that resembles the TS he has been using but is enough to be something more for him as well.

Please, if you have some time I'd love some direction.
Not to add to the recent hype, but I've had my digitech bad monkey for 20 years. My favorite TS type of pedal so far. Mainly because of the bass and treble independent controls. I guess there's a PCB here the Virgil overdrive. Klons do a similar type of mid boost thing with a clean signal mixed in. There were cool unpopular TS versions like the 4 knobbed ts9dx and st9. Lots of other brand takes on it.
Thanks for the reply, I'll check them out. I had a bad monkey when I was a teenager for a short while, didn't really know what it was capable of back then. Laughing about it now, preferred the grunge pedal and sold the bad monkey!
I've always liked the Touch (PPCB Contact). Simple, no frills, 3-knob, slightly tweaked TS.
I think I like it because of the LED clipping, which is also the setting I tend to like on other TS's I've played.
My vote would be the PlimSoul.
Hi all,

Probably a stupid question as the title thread, but I would love some suggestions. I have a friend who has asked me to build him a drive pedal. He has only been playing for a year or so, and I let him use a slightly modified (switch for bright and bass response) TS9 based pedal. Anyway he loves it and has asked my to build him a screamer style pedal. I've got a lot of TS based pedals and while I don't mind them, I don't love them. I was wondering if I could get some suggestions off the good people here who love TS style pedals and have built a really good one that they can recommend? I'd like to give him something that resembles the TS he has been using but is enough to be something more for him as well.

Please, if you have some time I'd love some direction.
In case you're not familiar with PEDALPCB products they do carry this product

I had barely heard of the plimsoul until now, maybe I'll build one for my self as well. I build the pedalpcb plumes and I must say its one of my favourite TS styles. I've heard lots about the frost drive too, seems to get a good wrap.
I'll stick a vote in for the Landgraff Dynamic OD circuitl; my friend really likes the one I built him as it has a smidge extra gain.

My vote for myself would be for the Krampus, GGG's take on a Bass-Screamer.
I like the Ibanez ST9 and Super Tubescreamer. Both use a sweepable frequency mid boost (247Hz to 3537Hz) to alter the character of the TS. On the lowest mid setting it resembles a Lightspeed to me, at the highest it sound like treblebooster after the TS. The Aion Cirrus makes it selectable between ST9 and STS with a switch, which relocates the mid boost before or after the distortion section.
Thats an interesting prospect too, I've seen the Aion name round a bit here and have been meaning to check them out, is it the same set up as here with the PCB's and all?
I've built one and it is a good one, I might lend it to him to see what he thinks. I use it primarily as a boost to boost high gain stuff and it sounds good with almost anything. Just checked out Aion too, they got lots of goodies there.