Glass Capacitors?


New member
Hey folks! Does anyone here have any experience using glass capacitors in pedals? I’ve got a bunch but am concerned about issues with microphonic overtones the way ceramic caps can develop them!
Hey folks! Does anyone here have any experience using glass capacitors in pedals? I’ve got a bunch but am concerned about issues with microphonic overtones the way ceramic caps can develop them!
Are they the Owens Corning micas?
I've been collecting them slowly.
If anything, they're overkill for pedals.
No personal experience, but Wikipedia says the advantage of glass capacitors is that they can be made to be virtually non-microphonic, with the downside being cost. They seem to fit the canon of mojo parts in the sense that they may offer better or worse performance on paper and likely have no noticeable effect in a stompbox circuit. It's never stopped me from using weird stuff I find or have left over from vintage hifi rebuilds because it looks cool.
No personal experience, but Wikipedia says the advantage of glass capacitors is that they can be made to be virtually non-microphonic, with the downside being cost. They seem to fit the canon of mojo parts in the sense that they may offer better or worse performance on paper and likely have no noticeable effect in a stompbox circuit. It's never stopped me from using weird stuff I find or have left over from vintage hifi rebuilds because it looks cool.
Heh, reminds me of the time I saw copper wire for sale that was taken from a Russian figher yet. Perfect for hooking up a Nagra reel deck, the seller said. There's probably worse offenders, but its a strange world where people trust specs over their hearing. Or let hearing be guided by specs, instead of the other way around.
Heh, reminds me of the time I saw copper wire for sale that was taken from a Russian figher yet. Perfect for hooking up a Nagra reel deck, the seller said. There's probably worse offenders, but its a strange world where people trust specs over their hearing. Or let hearing be guided by specs, instead of the other way around.
A long time ago I bought 200m of 1940's speaker wire from the West German Telefunken factory, it was supposed to have some mojo and I was impressed by the provenance, but mostly it was just a nice price for cotton sleeved pairs of rubber insulated tinned copper wire. I still have a bunch and use it whenever called for.
OMG those are beautiful. It'd be a shame to hide them in an enclosure. I had no idea.

And yeah, you beat me to the transparent OD.
Glass is a liquid, so maybe they are flux capacitors. I’m thinking an echo pedal that can do repeats from about 300-800ms in the future.