So it has been an interesting journey. I learned few things about opamps. I have tried to boost the signal, but it was not transparent.
I found this post on electro-smith forum and it seems to confirm my theory about the idea that the
output signal is operating at a level too close to the noise floor of the unit:
To address your question, I feel some Daisy-History is necessary, but the short-version is that the difference in noise floor is related to the codec installed on the board. The original release of Daisy Seed (rev4) had the AK4556 codec installed. The AKM factory that manufactured that codec...
We are aware of some of its deficiencies, especially when boosting guitar level signals to the ranges needed. The last of the original “Petal” breakout boards shipped with the last of the Rev4 Seeds, and we decided to discontinue it at that point because we felt it didn’t live up to the quality we like to ensure. We are currently working on a few newer pieces of hardware designed specifically for effects pedal development. At least one of these should be available in the next few months.
It seems like the last revision of the daisy seed is not good for pedal development (it has a higher noise floor), this is why they
discontinued the
Electrosmith Petal hardware!
I have a rev 7 daisy seed (revision number is printed on the center of the seed, just found out).
The terrarium PCB was probably not noisy when it was released back when the rev 4 daisy seed was being sold.
Hopefully, this post will shed light on why some people were having noise issue with their build: people have different revision of the daisy seed.
Oh and one thing, I do confirm that there are issues with the block size. I was getting some noise at 4kHz, 8 kHz and 12 kHz. I was running at 48 kHz with a block size of 12... 48000 / 12 = 4. Seems like I was hearing/seeing this (with the harmonics).
Setting a blocksize of 2 fixed the issue. This gives a frequency exactly at Nyquist frequency (given a sampling rate of 48000).
However, even with a block size of 2, the 4k-8k-12k noise is gone but I still have noise across all frequencies. When the pedal is in between my guitar and my amp, I can hear the noise. It is not huge but it is there and it can't be used on a pedal board (unless you don't care about degrading the signal). I did compare with other pedals I have (not analog one, but one that is digital like a Strymon).
I also tried to reproduce the terrarium schematic on my breadboard and I have the same noise problem. There is one thing that is interesting. Since it was on a breadboard, it was easy for me to connect the output of the input opamp to feed it to the input of the output opamp... In other words, I took the wire that was feeding the pin 16 (input 1) and connect it directly the wire that normally comes out of pin 18 (output 1). This way I was bypassing the daisy seed.
When I bypassed the daisy seed, the sound was crystal clear, no noise!
Also I have 3 different daisy seed units and they all have the same noise issue (they are all rev7 :-( )
At this point, if Electrosmith did not release a petal v2... I will forget about my idea of amplifying the signal and attenuating it (unless someone has suggestions!) At this point, I will just give up on the terrarium and wait for a better platform (either something new from Electrosmith or something else).
TLDR, if you want to do a terrarium build and you don't have access to a rev4 Daisy Seed, you will probably have some noise issues. The build can be used for a school project or for someone that don't intend to use this on his pedal board. Maybe one thing to consider would be to add an 3PDT switch to at least be able to bypass the noise when the effect is off, maybe for some effects this could be ok (like a distortion). Currently the bypass is done in software and you can't get rid of the noise when the effect is "bypassed".