2n5089 Alternative PCB082?

I'm out of 2n5089'a for the squidward. What characterisics am I looking for in a possible substitue? I have some S series(ex: s8550), A series(ex: a1015), as well as alot of BC 109,108(a,b,c), 2n2222(metal can), and bc183s. Maybe I should be patient and wait for the order of the 89s?
Use sockets and try.
Yeah, kinda the direction i was heading. Just got a Atlas component tester, I'm still trying to understand what is or is not significant regarding trannys, It cant be as simple as looking for the same pattern of polarity+gain+leakage to find a candidate...is it?
Any Si NPN with HFE over 200 or so will work fine. BC549C is your least expensive option. You could probably get away with 2N3904 or 2N2222A in that circuit. when subbing transistors, mind the pinout. BCxxx transistors have E & C swapped compared to the others.
those J201 subs are dead wrong. Look at Vp & Idss in the datasheets. Gm (gain) can also vary significantly from one part # to the next.

Germanium substitution is hit & miss. You need to know what the circuit requires.
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Any Si NPN with HFE over 200 or so will work fine. BC549C is your least expensive option. You could probably get away with 2N3904 or 2N2222A in that circuit. when subbing transistors, mind the pinout. BCxxx transistors have E & C swapped compared to the others.
Thanks, I totally screwed the pooch with the BC183L's... got the two legs backwards.