Pro 10 "off the bucket list"


Well-known member
Finally finished "quickly" this Protein board. Previously Ive built a Nobles odr1, aka: Nobelman, & it was disappointing at best. Instant scrap. So I delayed this project. Well to my surprise, I actually like this Green side. Quite a bit really. The Blue side is pretty OK too and together, they actually work really well. This is definitely in the user pile of dirt boxs...

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Update: So I just realized this Green side does a heavy doom-ish growl really well with its lower overtones. Accidental discovery but I totally dig it now. Touch of delay and whoa momma.
Are the nerves coming back?
Kinda. Its 80% numb from knuckle to the tip. Like when your face feels fat at dentist, drooling. Been 14 months. Learning to just deal with it. Im kind of clumsy, and fearless. A bad combination.