New Production Germanium Transistors - What's The Scoop?


Well-known member
Edit: It appears that there is no evidence of any new-production Ge transistors. Some members had mentioned the possibility so I thought I'd inquire. No dice!
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The newest germanium transistors that I've seen are Soviet transistors from 1990. I haven't seen anything that's currently being produced.
Apologies, thought I had seen you mention them! Evidently they're still being produced to some degree, but I'm trying to suss out the details.

I think the "ACxx" used in warm etc pedals are all rebadged Chinese Ge. They're still in production there. I ordered some random part numbers off of Ali and most were garbage.
Not sure who else is making new ones.
Ah bummer. If companies like WA are using them in their pedals, there must be a pretty reliable source for them. I've never messed with AliExpress. Kinda scares me, heh
I think the "ACxx" used in warm etc pedals are all rebadged Chinese Ge. They're still in production there. I ordered some random part numbers off of Ali and most were garbage.
Are you sure that the Chinese germanium is new production? I've bought some on AliExpress and they all had date codes from the 70s and 80s and oxidized leads. (The 3AG1B in your picture have a 1983 date code.)
I think the ones you can get from Antique Audio Supply are modern production. I'm not 100% sure, but they don't advertise them as NOS or such. And many of them have the same logo on them.

I got some and they worked fine in the pedals I used them in.
I think the ones you can get from Antique Audio Supply are modern production. I'm not 100% sure, but they don't advertise them as NOS or such. And many of them have the same logo on them.

I got some and they worked fine in the pedals I used them in.
Hmm. Although they're not labeled NOS I'm not sure I see any indication that any of these are new production. @Amplified Parts what say you?
NTE had some new production, but they recently went out of business.

And you may be right about leakage, although I haven't tested any new ones. But technology has improved significantly since the "old days".
Germanium oxide is water soluble, that's always been a serious problem for Ge transistors - i.e., getting an insulating barrier on them to make a transistor. But new thin film deposition techniques available now (but not back in the 50-80's) allow for thin layer deposition of ultra-thin pinhole-free insulating layers, and thus new Ge may be much better with regard to leakage.

(Edit - fixed a typo)
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For fuzz pedals the soviet ones i think gt310b are cheap and great for fuzz faces. 100 of them is 35ish bucks. And you should end up with plenty of q1/q2 sweet spot ones. Some rangemaster stuff etc
I'm wondering the same as Ginsly, but for GE diodes. I see 1N34A for sale on eBay from China. Don't care if they're authentic or anything, just wondering what they are or if they'd work. It's hard to stomach $2 apiece at SBP.
I'm wondering the same as Ginsly, but for GE diodes. I see 1N34A for sale on eBay from China. Don't care if they're authentic or anything, just wondering what they are or if they'd work. It's hard to stomach $2 apiece at SBP.
As far as I can tell, if they're copper-colored they're just Schottky diodes that perform closely enough for them to call em "germanium". Not cool!
Are you sure that the Chinese germanium is new production? I've bought some on AliExpress and they all had date codes from the 70s and 80s and oxidized leads. (The 3AG1B in your picture have a 1983 date code.)
Nope. No idea. Just assumed.
Now looking at the listings posted they both state they're old stock. I don't recall seeing much of any description when I purchased some a couple of years ago.
Funny enough, one listing claims that electronic measurements(including a picture of the TC-1) can't be trusted because they don't use enough current.
Funny enough, one listing claims that electronic measurements(including a picture of the TC-1) can't be trusted because they don't use enough current.
Sounds like someone knows that they're selling junk and is trying to fend off the inevitable refund requests. Caveat emptor!
Sounds like someone knows that they're selling junk and is trying to fend off the inevitable refund requests. Caveat emptor!
The ones I received were garbage iirc. There were usable-ish silver ones(I forget which model) but all the black ones were shot.
So aside from the somewhat-recent-but-now-OOP NTE germanium, is there any evidence that they really are being made today - by anyone?