SOLVED Mach 1 background hiss

Hi all, I built a Mach 1 a while back, really great low gain overdrive, perfect for sparkly cleans. It's worked great but today I noticed if I sustain a note with the pedal on, there is a slight background hiss noise that becomes apparent when the note begins to decay. It's subtle but it's there, like a noise gate being held open while the note is sustaining and then closing when the held note passes below a certain amplitude. None of my other pedals do this. It's affected by the gain control - turning clockwise increases the hiss.

The hiss has the quality of an overdriving transistor - it's somewhat spitty.

Here's the inside of my pedal. I've tried moving the wires around isolating them from the caps and there's no change in sound. Where should I start?

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I got a similar issue with a Shrapnel (thorpy gunshot) I've build.
When a note sustained and decayed slowly a sort of silent crackling appeared a then the note just stopped like it's beeing cut off suddenly.
I was a bad (fake) opa2134.
Swapped a tl072 in it's place.. problem gone.
I can't remember where I got the opa2134 from.
Another good practice is to use as little off board wiring as possible... Dont have signal wiring from your switch board crossing over components on your pcb and also sand/scrape contact areas for jacks/switches on your enclosure to bright metal... I even go as far as cleaning the paint from one screw hole in backplate so the screw head completes the ground for the back cover...