Black Eye Distortion and Proposition Distortion (Rockman Ultimatum Distortion Generator)

eh là bas ma

Well-known member
I decided to build the Black Eye upon recommandation from @jhaneyzz. All my thanks for this kind suggestion !

The fact that some Sushi Box effects are available at musikding, allowed me to build this project.

This circuit sounds amazing, it's impressive and very inspiring, it will be put to good use.

Now, when i wonder if a gain effect sounds good, if a tube emulation is convincing or not, i am tempted to compare it with the Black Eye, my new reference about guitar distortion.

As usual i made some silly mistake right at the beginning, i almost sabotaged the whole project myself because i went too fast, again.

I soldered both tube pcb with the wrong orientation, i had to desolder them, but they are connected to the main pcb by way too many pads...

This original mistake led to new mistakes as consequences (overheating the sub pcb, probably damaging a trace, wrong voltages, etc.).
It became very quickly a catastrophic mess.

Thanks to the kind help of @vigilante398 and the distinguished members of Sushi Box sub forum, i managed to get it fully working in the end.

I also added a relay bypass from TH Custom Effects. In such a small space, it's bagged and taped, to avoid shorts.

There are also two pieces of metal tea strainer taped inside the enclosure, under the ventilation holes, to protect the circuit from dust.
Knobs letters are made from a phosphorescent paper, they can glow in the dark.

What a great sound ! Glory to Sushi Box !

Here is a sound sample :

I built the Proposition purely out of curiosity. I didn't know anything about neither Rockman nor this effect.
This time the building process went smoothly. But i was a bit confused by the effect. I couldn't believe that there wasn't any mistake on my build because it sounds very weird on its own.

The gain texture is very pleasing and singular, but i couldn't find a good setting to shape the tone with the EQ controls. Way too much mids, and some frequencies (that i can't easily distinguish) seem to be missing, probably because there are just too much mids...
A quick search on utube showed me that my build sounds close to the demo i could find, so i stopped looking for a wrong value.

I didn't give up despite the temptation to move on. I tried it before a preamp (Aion's Beta Preamp) to help me shape the weird tone. That's were i had the revelation : this circuit excels at boosting another effect. The mid-forward character makes much more sense this way. I know some people use Tube Screamers in the same manner.

I am used to set all my amps controls at 12' and i always shape the tone with some stompboxes or a GE-7 (probably so that i can stay sitted on some chair when i play).
That's why i first had some trouble to use the Proposition with good results.

Sound sample (the whistlings at the end of the recording have been fixed thanks to isolated wires) :
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Way too much mids, and some frequencies (that i can't easily distinguish) seem to be missing, probably because there are just too much mids...

That's the Rockman sound. A quick peek at Tom Scholz 5-band EQ settings says it all really. :ROFLMAO:

Pfffffff, amateurs, my amp goes to 111
I understand that this amp goes to 111, that's very impressive, to say the least.

But is there a Fat switch ?

On the Blues Junior, when the Fat switch is engaged, i think it's quite fair to say that we can easily add a 0 to all the volume numbers, right ?

With the Fat switch engaged, this amp can go to 120.

That's a good thing, because i would hate to be stuck at 111, and i would miss that extra little push.

Isn't there a whole world of beauty and pleasure waiting for you, just past that 111's cliff ?
very nice builds, by the way. I'm really glad you got that Black Eye working
Thank you for the kind words !

This Black Eye circuit was an epic build. It allowed me to see a hidden side of myself that i never could find before : Even when i am facing a great danger, trying to debugg a high voltage circuit where a single wrong move can mean the end of the road, my hands remained almost steady, and i was almost able to breath and keep my cools, almost like the great heroes from ancient legends !
Way too much mids, and some frequencies (that i can't easily distinguish) seem to be missing, probably because there are just too much mids...
If it sounds like this (minus the chorus/reverb, which are actually quite important to get the full Rockman sound), then you got your Proposition right:

The Rockman sound is designed to sound good in the mix, not necessarily on its own. It's a fully produced, ready-to-record sound. Something that sounds good in isolation wil not necessarily sound good in a band mix, and vice versa. The Rockman clean sound, for example, sounds like cr@p on its own. Thin and super squeezed. Drop it in the mix, and it's Def Leppard's Hysteria.
If it sounds like this (minus the chorus/reverb, which are actually quite important to get the full Rockman sound), then you got your Proposition right:

The Rockman sound is designed to sound good in the mix, not necessarily on its own. It's a fully produced, ready-to-record sound. Something that sounds good in isolation wil not necessarily sound good in a band mix, and vice versa. The Rockman clean sound, for example, sounds like cr@p on its own. Thin and super squeezed. Drop it in the mix, and it's Def Leppard's Hysteria.
I use my proposition in the loop of my Helix, bypassing an amp model. And it really gets the vibe.
The only thing(s) missing is the chorus is non typical of most choruses and the speaker sims/irs available in the Helix or elsewhere aren’t quite exact to the EQ based “speaker sim” of the Rockman. That said, I do remember someone mapping it out using an EQ once that I need to program into the helix. But yea, the proposition does get there. And the biggest key to it is the compressor. If you don’t get the FET and/or biasing right the compression won’t be right