Germanium substitutes…


Active member
I don’t have any experience with germanium transistors. I understand that the hfe/gain needs to be staged upward from Q1 - Q3 but I have a couple of questions.

I’ve got a cheap T7 tester but that will not give me those values. Should I get a Peak DCA55?

Due to so many of these transistors being hard to find I see a number of members say “any germanium” will do. Maybe this applies mostly to diodes but I’m walking in the dark. Can someone give me some input here?

If you have a PC and would like see/visualize the trace curves on BJTs, diodes & such, get the Peak Atlas DCA75 - it comes with a bit of software for the PC run trace-curves on such devices. Either the DCA55 or DCA75 is a great investment if you're serious about building and learning electronics.
was going to post this, I bought the $20 tc-1 after buying a $40 tester lol
I will second this suggestion. I bought the TC1 and event though it has been said it may not as accurate as the more expensive ones, it is good for getting ranges in comparing transistors. And it seems pretty accurate when measuring caps and resistors compared to my DMM.
If you're into experimenting a bit, there's biggybacking, both to approximate/simulate germanium and reducing gain.

And here are a couple of external threads on the subject which have more detail. Definitely something to do on the breadboard first.
Typographical changes aside, you've completely removed the Torgo Tone out of the equation.

C1 iS a SMOOthing CAp to mIMICk GE transISTor higH-frEQUENcy RoLl-ofF


Now I want to make a pedal called the Torgo Tone. Or that should be the name of my company…
That circuit models reduced bandwidth and sort-of models low HFE/hfe, but it does not model leakage or the non-linear Vce/Ic characteristic of a Ge transistor.