Pendulum - Low thump in LFO


New member
I built a Pendulum and modded it to have amplitude/harmonic tremolo switching just like the Cardinal tremolo. This meant an added capacitor before the LPF to become full frequency when the HPF is grounded in amplitude mode. I get no LFO noise in bypass, but there is a noticeable thump that is unusable at higher rates and depths. It thumps in both modes. I didn’t have 2.7M resistors for the voltage divider on the LFO op-amp, so I used 3M assuming higher & closer to 2.7M is better. I’ve tried moving hookup wires around the case, but nothing has helped. Sounds fantastic otherwise!


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Quick idea, not sure how much it'll help:

Wrap your input and output wires going to your jacks in aluminum foil, being very careful not to let the foil short out or touch anything.

Then, run a alligator clip jumper from the foil to the sleeve terminal on each jack.

See if that helps with the LFO noise. If it does, replace your input and output wires with shielded cables. Land the shield on the ring terminals on the jack side only.