The "let the kids sleep"


Well-known member
Hi guys,
I play my bass in the living room with a EBS Preamp/Headphone Microbass and I wanted something similar for the Guitar. Just using what I have is not DIY :-)
It's a box with a
  • - Baja Reactor
  • - Omnicab
  • - Stereo Headphone amp with Aux-In and an additional mono out to drive a cab in case it has to be loud in the room
The combination is pretty cool. I copied the headphone amp from here
The original site was up until shortly after I finished the pcb.

Well so far so good but in the end it is a FAILURE.

It hurts me...
The reactor is oscillating like hell in various settings because my layout is :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:
Why am I always trying to fit stuff into really small enclosures?
The headphone and aux jacks are so fiddly, no space was left above the pot and below the lid of the box so they just fit in perfectly but the holes are crooked so no rough treatment is allowed. It's so hilarious... I lost the nuts of the switches and in the end I had no desire to break my fingers by trying to get the leds in place. Maybe I will salvage it... Maybe it has to be a reminder to not solder up everything at once when you are not sure that your layout is ok.
The "Marriage Keeper" encouraged me to box it up completely but... It' sad.
The next step is a larger box with a 60W amp and a larger pcb with a better layout for the reactor (just like Baja did it).

IMG_5939.JPG IMG_5938.JPG
I'll echo Erik. Props on the execution.
I'll also note, a lot of Baja designs seem to be extremely finicky/half way work with oscillation being a common issue. Not saying that's he case with this circuit, no idea. If you haven't already, I'd poke around FSB and the like and make sure there are more fully functioning builds documented than not.

I have always been curious about building up an amp with one of the dedicated headphone amp ICs. Like this one for $2 from EG

Toshiba TA8119P datasheet

Or the NJM2777which requires very little external circuitry and runs happily at 9v
Thank you guys!

I'll also note, a lot of Baja designs seem to be extremely finicky/half way work with oscillation being a common issue. Not saying that's he case with this circuit, no idea. If you haven't already, I'd poke around FSB and the like and make sure there are more fully functioning builds documented than not.
I used a few of his schematics to build pedal. Always nice but this one is different. The most current version is it, he didn't have issues with it.
Or the NJM2777which requires very little external circuitry and runs happily at 9v
It depends on if you are able to get your hands on it :-)
What do you print the top label on?

Unrelated hint: OPA2196 and OPA2990 are good options for guitar/bass headphone amps, especially if battery powered (super low idle current), as long as you use a series resistor on the output. Something like 20 ohms or more.
Color labels are vinyl sticker sheets for my laser printer. Transparent labels are transparent sticker sheets.
Even though both say "waterproof" etc I always put a transparent sticker sheet on top.
Still have to tinker with the color saturation. Sometimes it's to pale sometimes to dark...