First Pedal, First Build (Muroidea Distortion)


New member
Hey guys, I've been lurking around here for over a year now and finally got to building my first pedal. I started looking into DIY pedals as a way to try out effects without breaking the bank but as I looked into it more I really enjoyed the idea of it as a hobby. I've never bought a pedal before so I'm super stoked about this build, worked first try too! Just want to say thank you guys for all the helpful resources and insights you share here, it's been unbelievably helpful. Also HUGE shout out to jjjimi84 for his "How to Build Your First Pedal" series and all the other awesome videos he makes.


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Looks great! Congratulations on the first build. I have built many pedals that I was interested in trying out at ultimately a fraction of the cost. And having fun doing the building.
ty for the tip, I don't have any other pedals yet but ill look into that :)

[Snagglepuss voith]Heavens to Muroidea!
I tip my hat to you, SirSamsquatch.
Great first build, even! [/Snagglepuss voith]


Don't worry about not having other pedals. Everyone has to build at least one YATS at least once in their building life.
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