DEMO Seldom mentioned 90's Dirt Boxes (Dirt Monger XT-2, PW-2, Bass Grunge)

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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Preface- these are the first demos with my recently acquired Simplifier clone, so still trying to match the EQ and response of my 2x12 combo. Neighbors were giving me guff about my rodent summonings 🤷🏻

All three built according to the docs, except I used On/On spdts on the XT-2

XT-2 Xtortion. Think I like this one the most of this bunch for it's clangy aggression. Seems almost like a more fine-tunable DS-1, it can get both heavier and more obnoxious. Fairly wide range of tones on the stock positions, but I prefer the sound and feel of the IR LEDs in the hard spot. The soft clipping option is pretty underwhelming to me, as I'm not a fan of that particular vein of clean bleed.

PW-2 Power Driver. With its added Mid and Bright controls, and how much mileage you can get out of all the controls, this one almost seems more like an amp sim to me. I quite like it's responsiveness to picking dynamics, but not really a huge fan of this many pots on a dirt pedal. This thing can cover a ton of ground with its 4 band gyrator EQ, from mostly clean and sparkly up to heavy, sludgy doom

FX92 Bass Grunge. I'm just gonna call this one the Metal Klon. I definitely have the most fun jamming on this one, even though I'm not big on the clean blended tones

All were super easy to put together, despite the parts counts, and the build docs include some alternate components values, but I didn't mess with any of those. All three sound great, have a fairly wide range of tones, and all do something special. Definitely recommend them and Dirt Monger in general for the more obscure pedals from Boss and DODs lineups 🤘🏻

The offset footswitches weren't originally intentional- I hadn't realized the templates printed out backward for some reason and just went with it
I remember judging anther kid harshly back in the late 90's for using the bass grunge. As expected, he sounded terrible but I'm mature enough now to say that it wasn't 100% DOD's fault.
oh snap, the XT-2 was my first pedal ever...should probably revisit it now that I don't suck:ROFLMAO:. Let's see what 20+ years has done to my judgement of it.

I wasn't expecting to like it based on the demos I've seen, but as with pretty much every other 2xtreme4u Boss pedal, it's just gotta be dialed in. I was screwing around with some YouTube drum tracks earlier, and it does pretty admirably at bringing both cut and heaviness while retaining a ton of definition. My only real gripe is that it isn't terribly dynamic as far as pick strength goes

I remember judging anther kid harshly back in the late 90's for using the bass grunge. As expected, he sounded terrible but I'm mature enough now to say that it wasn't 100% DOD's fault.

Prior to this, my only experience with it was using it on an Alesis SR16 in a harsh noise project 🤣