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  1. H

    Veroboard design for Ilitch trimpot PCB (HowTo)

    I created 2 with 47nf and 5k and 10k trimpots to see how these work (caps are between lugs 2 and 3 of the trimpots). I have the neck and middle single coils now connected straight on the Ilitch backplate which works well (ground to one side and the other side of the backplate to ground). I will...
  2. H

    Veroboard design for Ilitch trimpot PCB (HowTo)

    Can someone help me with how to create a veroboard design from the schematic below? This is the trimpot PCB for an Ilitch backplate denoiser coil that I'd like to create on veroboard. On the left the BPNCS (back plate noise coil) is shown which has a resistance of about 335-360 ohm.
  3. H

    Treble bleed PCB

    Kingtone is now offering 16 treble bleeds for their classic switch. I dont see any documentation of it in their online manual, only the switch options. Kinman is using a 1,2nf normally so that’s quite far off 790p
  4. H

    Treble bleed PCB

    I’ve experimented a lot with treble bleeds and have come to 2 variants that work best for me personally: the Kinman series and the Suhr parallel. Most of my guitars have treble bleeds and on a number of them I use a switch or push/pull to bring it in/out of the circuit. It’s quite handy to be...
  5. H

    Synopsis Overdrive

    I’ve built it as well but I don’t have the issue you mentioned. Check if the components (caps/resistors) are all correct. Since you populated the PCB you probably can’t see the values anymore and there’s no schematic/doc yet. The bottom clipping switch in the down positions should create a more...
  6. H

    Hyped Fuzz Mode Opinions

    I was surprised how well the center position worked with the neck pickup, comparable to rolling down the volume on a germanium fuzz. I would advise to build it with the required switch.
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    Why biasing of some transistors in Sandspur/Sunflower PCBs doesn’t work?

    I don’t think it’s a heavy mod but it does make it a nice sounding fuzz, noise is quite prominent though. ;)
  8. H

    Biasing BJTs - part 3

    Tried them for both.
  9. H

    Why biasing of some transistors in Sandspur/Sunflower PCBs doesn’t work?

    The Thorpy Tacit Blue (Tactical Fuzz PCB) uses a set of CV7351 with 120 and 180 HFE (2n1306) which sounds quite nice in their slightly modded fuzz face circuit. I could get them around 114 and 164 HFE which worked quite well IMO. Only thing is that all fuzz faces seem to produce quite some...
  10. H

    Why biasing of some transistors in Sandspur/Sunflower PCBs doesn’t work?

    Good to know, I didn’t really like the response of the 2n1308 in the fuzz face either. I will try some silicone in Q1 with a NPN germanium in Q2. For Si I like 2x BC183C around HFE 500 and a combination of BC183B and C (250/500). Not a fan of BC108C and BC109C but a 2n2369a with a BC108C...
  11. H

    Why biasing of some transistors in Sandspur/Sunflower PCBs doesn’t work?

    Cool, which other leakage figures are you looking for?
  12. H

    Why biasing of some transistors in Sandspur/Sunflower PCBs doesn’t work?

    Mentioned above what the HFE and leakage is. I’m aware on how to handle germanium transistors. ;)
  13. H

    Why biasing of some transistors in Sandspur/Sunflower PCBs doesn’t work?

    I filled in the details of the calculatur for the 2n1309s and get 5.1v on the collector of Q2 with 8,2k resistance. I measure 5.5v with full resistance of 11k. I can replace the sundial with a 25k to be able to raise the resistance enough to lower the voltage. EDIT: replacing the 5k sundial...
  14. H

    Why biasing of some transistors in Sandspur/Sunflower PCBs doesn’t work?

    I’m trying to better understand why biasing sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t work. I have a practical question about the Sandspur / Sunflower PCBs. I’m trying to use 2n1308 NPN germaniums in the Sandspur and noticed that the collector voltage of Q2 can’t get below around 5,5V. Bias and...
  15. H

    Biasing BJTs - part 3

    Hey @Chuck D. Bones, I’m trying to better understand this and have a practical question about the Sandspur / Sunflower PCBs. I’m trying to use 2n1308 NPN in the Sandspur and notice that the collector voltage of Q2 can’t get below 5,5V or something. Bias and sundial to minimum. These are around...
  16. H

    10 recent builds

    Mainly Musikding and Banzai Music (both Germany)
  17. H

    Fuzz face input pot/transformer

    I’m building a number of fuzz faces with the Sunflower and Sandspur PCBs and the Solaris and Epsilon AION PCBs. Also the Tactical Fuzz. The clean control of the Sunflower/Sandspur is 50k (I make it externally controllable) and the AION ones use B 250k pots. Both seem to work fine but I was...
  18. H

    Vero board for Ilitch PCB trimpot board

    For the Tacit Blue (Tactical Fuzz) I received a TL019-R. I havent received the PCB yet because the shipment is stuck at customs here in the Netherlands. The TL019-R has a relative low resistance between legs 1 and 2 of the primary coil. Since it's used to simultate guitar pickup coil(s), could...
  19. H

    Vero board for Ilitch PCB trimpot board

    I'm using 2 Ilitch noise coil solutions, one with a backplate and another one routed underneath the pickguard. This noise coil has a resistance of around 350k (for standard) which works for standard output single coils. Ilitch includes a small PCB with 2 trimpots and a few SMD caps to dial in...
  20. H

    SOLVED Tactical Fuzz No Audio

    Which transistors did you use and where did you end up on the trimpot setting? Where should you set the trimpot when there’s an external bias control?