Search results

  1. DeadAirMD

    Selectable capacitors/resistors/diodes

    Another option, in some ways the "easiest" option, would be using sockets for the components you want to replace. Completely eliminates any confusing wiring/switches that beginners may struggle with. Then you can audition all the components you want and then settle on the one you like the best...
  2. DeadAirMD

    Dual Loop Switcher

    Planning on building 2 Dual Loop Switchers using the boards from PPCB. I have the Octaswitch, which works great, it's just a big girl and I need something smaller. Are buffers needed for the PPCB loop Switcher? If so, do both foot switches need buffers, or only the input/output?
  3. DeadAirMD

    Eeprom programs for FV-1

    @Paradox916 hey bud, you got a link for "holy city"? I did a basic search on googs and didn't come up with what I thought I'd find.
  4. DeadAirMD

    Moonn Electronics Fuzzhead stoner bee build docs

    Yeah I eventually received everything. Was just short of 2 months from initial order. I sent him a very positive email and he responded about a month after that email, apologizing for the delay and was friendly. Package came a little over 3 weeks later. As I said before, I ordered basically...
  5. DeadAirMD

    Effects Layouts Wiring

    @Guardians of the analog :rolleyes:........really man? I was just asking for help. I see it now after looking at the board closer, M4/M5 and R4/R5 are for the LEDs. Never built anything from EL before, so this is new to me. Good to go.
  6. DeadAirMD

    Effects Layouts Wiring

    I want to use these 3pdt boards so I can have an LED for each foot switch. What goes where, I'm confused?
  7. DeadAirMD

    Led orientation

    Isn't Parasit, Swedish?
  8. DeadAirMD

    Led orientation

    I'll take a photo tomorrow. LED was installed on a Parasit PCB
  9. DeadAirMD

    Led orientation

    This is all true........except I got some clear yellow LEDs from SBP, and the legs are reversed. Very confusing when I installed them the "correct way" and they didn't work.
  10. DeadAirMD

    Park and Ride (with lasered enclosure)

    I like to wire up the trim pot to an empty wah shell, and use it as a "poor man's wah" that doesn't need/use an inductor. Fun circuit
  11. DeadAirMD

    Your favorite sushi box fx pedal to date?

    Yeah man definitely! If there was a way to make that 1 channel I can switch on/off, that would be stellar! As a single pedal straight into an amp, it's absolutely stunning. But with 25+ pedals on my board, having access to only the distortion/overdrive channel would be ideal. Still need to...
  12. DeadAirMD

    Your favorite sushi box fx pedal to date?

    "The Ambassador. Has a drive/distortion unlike anything I’ve ever heard. It’s amazing. The but is-the always on clean channel just doesn’t work with my brighter vox style amp." @vigilante398 is there a way to reconfigure this so that the Ambassador is bypasses when off, so that it's not always on?
  13. DeadAirMD

    Special Porpoise Fuzz

    Dude, awesome!!!! It's literally the Space Ocean pedal. The cosmic dolphin noises followed by the seagulls at the very end. Noice!
  14. DeadAirMD

    Transistor selection

    J201 2N5088 2N3904 BS170 MPSA18 2N3906 2N7000 2N5457 2N2222 These will take you almost everywhere. I'm sure other people here will have a better list and/or better explanation of why you need what you need. Also, J201 smd is majorly cost effective and waaay easier to get ahold of.
  15. DeadAirMD

    DEMO Frantone Creampuff (vero) & Fornicus OD

    Those look great! Especially love the leopard print. Take it or leave it, but I think customers would appreciate having the the knobs labeled in some way. I don't label any of my pedals because they are all only for personal use, but I could see people who aren't into diy bitching about not...
  16. DeadAirMD

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    Definitely curious about the sizing for the standoffs. Already drilled the enclosure and the board is pretty snug, but would like to figure out what size screw/standoff/ mounting hardware fits those holes
  17. DeadAirMD

    Should I let my pregnant wife help me populate PCBs?

    Man I would LOVE to have someone populate my boards while I'm at work so all I had to do was solder when I got home. My PPCB backlog is over 25 right now so having your wife in my life would be HUGE! It's always the best when your significant other takes interest in your hobbies. Man, I'd be...
  18. DeadAirMD

    Mystery machine rotary switch question.

    Just always remember, every potentiometer, toggle, and rotary always go on the opposite side of the components. The few exceptions are trim pots and some slide toggles. That is because it makes for "easy" access when opening the back of the pedal to tweak parameters. In a few cases, I wire a...
  19. DeadAirMD

    D&M Drive

    @SillyOctpuss "I might check out the aion project in the meantime while I wait for a d&m from you." Are you just referring to the Aion Klon board? I looked for a D&M there and didn't see anything.