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  1. H

    ka2284 vu meter

    trying to put together a little volume meter pedal for a friend and i stumbled across the ka2284 online looking around for circuits.. has anybody else used one of these for a vu build? it seems to have a rectifying amplifier built in so i’m thinking it should be okay to just wire it onto a...
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    frantone copyright strike

    haha very well said. i would also agree with all of those thoughts in general. tbh i wouldn’t think it would even be her making the claim, probably just a bot copyright companies use to scrape sellers websites for similarities. mostly i just thought it was odd since another local seller also...
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    frantone copyright strike

    welll can’t say much in my defense there! i’m certainly not doing it for free haha.
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    frantone copyright strike

    that’s a solid point! haha i would think of myself in both of those categories personally, and that they would probably have to overlap pretty often, but i might be biased haha
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    frantone copyright strike

    definitely both haha
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    frantone copyright strike

    reverb said frantone issed a copyright infringement notice or something like that, so i guess frantone through reverb haha
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    frantone copyright strike

    nah im in canada haha you can find me searching dirt squid sound!
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    frantone copyright strike

    yeah they straight up suspended my listing, apparently they emailed me about it but i never saw it and of course there was no in app message or anything. i certainly wasn’t shy about it being a clone and referred directly to the original, but i have a few similar listings up for other pedals as...
  9. H

    frantone copyright strike

    reverb rep told me frantone flagged it for copyright. i was pretty upfront in the listing about it being a clone of the creampuff, had it listed under the name cream pie fuzz and my reverb profile says upfront i build clones haha. i did slap my own graphic and sticker on it and of course since i...
  10. H

    frantone copyright strike

    I just got one of these selling a cream pie on reverb. or actually i got it on august 1st and just noticed since they never emailed me and i assumed it was still listed. I know there are a few other people on these forums also selling some clones, and was wondering if anybody else around here...
  11. H

    the dane fordable couple quick questions

    haha thank you! i def recommend the ampguy from toronto to anybody looking for an amazing customized dumble clone in canada! he’s an awesome dude, he made those vertex ods specials they put out and discontinued a little while ago! high praise from this guy!
  12. H

    two sticks of derm + tentacle feedback issue

    you’re def right! cause i heard it once before my brain is totally stuck on the caps thing. that is a lot of very good points, i’ve def learnt over time my brain is a bit hardwired to doing things the hard way and wasting time proving itself wrong is time well spent to it. i’ll just go through...
  13. H

    two sticks of derm + tentacle feedback issue

    damn that is a lot of very useful advice! thanks so much for taking the time! this all definitely illuminates a ton.. i’ll have to make sure to re read this and go over the whole thing again for cold joints etc.. i have made an audio probe recently and havent actually used it to diagnose...
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    two sticks of derm + tentacle feedback issue

    oh yeah i wouldn’t normally splice wires but i used up the very last of my wire so was a bit desperate to keep it all the same wire haha and the spikes.. that is good to know! i had no idea those spikes were evidence of all that! i’ve heard those terms thrown around and i’ve definitely felt my...
  15. H

    two sticks of derm + tentacle feedback issue

    hey everyone! i put together a dual 125b build the other day, feeling like it was a waste not to throw a tentacle in with the two stix of derm since they’re both such tiny circuits.. anywho the tentacle works flawlessly but the two stix has this insane feedback through most of the dial.. i...
  16. H

    the dane fordable couple quick questions

    who’s saying shit snidely behind my back!? haha it’s more just for my own understanding of circuits so i can apply it later when i need to :p but i think it’s definitely doing what i think it is, after checking the schematic over it def makes sense, and it sounds great to my ears so i’m a happy...
  17. H

    the dane fordable couple quick questions

    hi everyone! I had a couple quick questions about the dane circuit.. first thing is if changing the 1M pot to a 500 K pot would basically just give you half the original circuits range for lows or what this should do specifically? i did this myself already and it does still give me tons of...
  18. H

    Silicon Rangemaster P2P Build

    haha they feel super nice to flick.. very satisfying haha
  19. H

    Silicon Rangemaster P2P Build

    haha no worries! @Mentaltossflycoon beat me to the punch haha i think i actually got mine from nextgen in canada on a small order but those are probably the same!
  20. H

    Silicon Rangemaster P2P Build

    hello to anyone! this isn’t exactly a pedalpcb build since it has no board at all, but since i started building i have a few bad drill job enclosures like im sure everyone does and haate seeing them just sitting around, reminding me of how shit i am at drilling haha. so I decided to try my hand...