1/8 w reistors in photon vibe


Hello. I was wondering if I could use 1/4 w watt resistors in place of the 1/8w resistors the build document calls for?
Also, be careful if you choose to mount them triangularly (the "cleanest" way to make them fit?).. If the resistor leans at all, the exposed leads may touch and cause problems.
Electrically, sure, if you can make them fit.
Just to piggy-back on this question if that's alright: I have noticed that some build docs call for 1/4W and some call for 1/8W resistors, and others don't specify. Is it safe to assume that 1/4W will work for those that are not specified? I've done vero but no pre-made PCBs, and I plan on getting a few from here (waiting for a particular PCB to come in stock), and with a chest full of 1/4W resistors (and little to no 1/8W) so I thought asking would be a good idea. Thank you!
I recommend getting 1/8 watt, and use those for all the builds. Lots of folks have used 1/4 watt resistors at a tilt with success here. I've never tried, I went straight for the 1/8 watt resistors and stuck with them, even for 1/4 watt builds.
I recommend getting 1/8 watt, and use those for all the builds. Lots of folks have used 1/4 watt resistors at a tilt with success here. I've never tried, I went straight for the 1/8 watt resistors and stuck with them, even for 1/4 watt builds.
Good to know, thank you. I may start getting some 1/8W with new orders in that case. I'll have to see how the 1/4W ones fit in the first build I try to see if it's something I want to deal with or if it's too much of a hassle. I know they're cheap, but I've worked hard on my resistor collection!
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