1u film capacitor footprints


New member
Howdy y'all! Super quick question for the peanut gallery here: Where are people sourcing their 1u flim caps for for builds of the FV1 pedals? I've noted that lots of other pedalpcb layouts have the larger footprint for 1u caps, but the FV1s (and a few others now) have pretty slim, and pretty tightly packed 1u cap footprints stacked in series. Every 1u film cap I've been able to find are at best roughly 1/3 to 1/2 again as "deep" as the footprint. While I've been making it work, it looks SUPER janky on otherwise really clean and nice layouts. Are people not using box film caps for those, or am I just unaware of the secret source for slim-line 1u caps?
I built a pedal from Madbean a few weeks back and while I had about 100 1u caps *none* of them would fit the footprint. After some searching I found these at Mouser: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/505-MKS2B041001C00MF

I don't know if they will fit the Fv1 board because I haven't built it, but they were the smallest footprint ones I could find. Check the data sheet and compare it to a cap that you know the size of which fits there.
The footprint is for 2.5mm. Those are 3.5mm, but probably the best fit you'll find in a film cap.

I always use 1uF MLCC for those. (Some folks shudder at the idea, but they work fine)
Okay- that was indeed my shudder-inducing backup plan. Barring finding some 2.5mm 1u caps (all my preferred vendors smallest 1u box film cap is 3.5) I was going to default to MLCC. C'est la vie! If you say they're good enough, I'll make it work.
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I built a pedal from Madbean a few weeks back and while I had about 100 1u caps *none* of them would fit the footprint. After some searching I found these at Mouser: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/505-MKS2B041001C00MF

I don't know if they will fit the Fv1 board because I haven't built it, but they were the smallest footprint ones I could find. Check the data sheet and compare it to a cap that you know the size of which fits there.
yup. those are the exact ones I have in my hot little hands at the moment.
Responsibly manufactured tantalum for 1uF, if available.
Tayda sells AVX tant caps, which are apparently conflict free. I learned this from Chuck (because what haven't I learned from Chuck). I had stopped buying them for a while because of the conflict issues until I found that I'd been buying AVX the entire time so I want back to them (I use them in place of electros in the signal chain).

Why is this shudder-inducing? I don't know what the benefits of an electrolytic are beyond the fact that they're super cheap.
I'm not looking to use electros- I'm referring to the footprint for nice (higher quality) box film caps as opposed to the dipped MLCC caps.
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Can anyone point me towards an idiot's guide to differences between capacitor types? All I ever look at is price and tolerance.

It's all smoke and dust
Experimental time
No one really knows

Sorry, man. My wife bought me a delicious new whiskey tonight and for some reason I felt the need to make a haiku 🖖

Check this thread for starts. If you do a search you'll find some other good stuff: https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/choosing-components.5559/#post-48918
I blamed the whiskey.
I could use some of that juice,
And I love haiku.

Artful is better
than being artless, soul-less.
What was the whiskey?
Why is this shudder-inducing? I don't know what the benefits of an electrolytic are beyond the fact that they're super cheap.

People would be shuddering because it's sort of accepted convention to be using film caps instead of ceramic in that range. But most production pedals use smd ceramic caps everywhere unless they're using electrolytic so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

edit: using ceramic here to mean MLCC (multilayer ceramic capacitors)
You can use whatever package you can physically connect to the pads, and is at least rated twice the operating voltage. Socket one and try different types. Then try the same but in various stages of the circuit. Then if there is a noticeable difference, you will know what that is and how it affects it.