Aion Blueshift Dimension C


Well-known member
Great sounding chorus. I don’t have an oscilloscope to dial it in so I did it by ear. I’m happy with what I’ve got. This one wasn’t as hard as I anticipated. Just took my time and it all worked out.


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Wow. That's crazy! You must have more patience than me!

I had the pedal way back when it came out and it was pretty amazing. But I just got tired of chorus I guess. I don't think I've used any chorus in 30 years. It definitely has it's place though.
Wow. That's crazy! You must have more patience than me!

I had the pedal way back when it came out and it was pretty amazing. But I just got tired of chorus I guess. I don't think I've used any chorus in 30 years. It definitely has it's place though.
Thanks. It definitely looks more intimidating than it really is
Great sounding chorus. I don’t have an oscilloscope to dial it in so I did it by ear. I’m happy with what I’ve got. This one wasn’t as hard as I anticipated. Just took my time and it all worked out.
I think you really need to love Chorus to go to this much work!
Looks Great!
Very nice it does look complex though maybe not one I'd try!

I'm not the patient type I'm the kinda guy that'll wait forever for a bus till steam starts coming out my ears, decide I've had enough, walk 200 yards away from the bus stop and the bus drives right past me

I never learn and do it again the next time

Back to the pedal now It's a totally pro looking beast you have my admiration.......shit! was that the bus?
Great sounding chorus. I don’t have an oscilloscope to dial it in so I did it by ear. I’m happy with what I’ve got. This one wasn’t as hard as I anticipated. Just took my time and it all worked out.
Very nice. Never seen a double decker pcb. I like chorus, i joke that my danelectro fab chorus is my "always on" pedal.
Great sounding chorus. I don’t have an oscilloscope to dial it in so I did it by ear. I’m happy with what I’ve got. This one wasn’t as hard as I anticipated. Just took my time and it all worked out.
Nice! I've got one sitting on the bench waiting to populate. Looks like it'll be a fun challenge.
Yep, the build docs seem really thorough. Looking forward to it!
One thing to take note of if you used the mouser spreadsheet to order your parts. Check the height of the female header pins. The ones I received were not tall enough. Either mouser changed the part since the spreadsheet was made or I was sent the wrong part. The female pin headers have to be at least .325” tall
Awesome build, has me very curious.

As a chorus fan have you tried the Unison Double Tracker build from here?

Both go for a “motionless” type of chorus, but go about achieving it in a very different way. So I wouldn’t expect them to sound the same, but maybe some similarities.
Awesome build, has me very curious.

As a chorus fan have you tried the Unison Double Tracker build from here?

Both go for a “motionless” type of chorus, but go about achieving it in a very different way. So I wouldn’t expect them to sound the same, but maybe some similarities.
I have not but I’m sure I will get to it. I’ve only been doing this a little over a year now so there’s still plenty of projects I have left to do.