Albert Hoffman's Hearing Aid

Happy Belated Birthday, fellow Scorpio.

Loved the bicycle, but couldn't see whether it was a Jimmy or a Blazer coming to run over the cyclist...

If you work up a longer track, hit us up with it — That demo was bombasstick!
I just assembled another as the first one sold but have no enclosure yet. The damp cold weather is a bummer for that (but Gorva is having a 15%off sale so we’ll see 😂) as I stick to spray paint. Eye have a better idea for the enclosure this time 👁️
Decided to go with full googly eye supremacy for my next one. First I did a psychedelic swirl pattern and didn’t like it so much, so I just painted over it and laser engraved it again with this dumb bs. Should have put another coat or two on before doing it but this is probably gonna stay as a personal build so who cares. Also it looks cool having the other pattern underneath.
