AMT Warmstone proof of concept.


New member
I figured this would be a fun little project to put out to the greater Hivemind as I’m easily distracted and have entirely too many other ideas vying for breadboard space.

A little while back I was fiddling around with the circuit topology AMT has published for their “Warmstone” so-called “solid state tube”. I’m a sucker for interesting discrete topology so of course I had to give it a go, and I managed to get a working circuit happening that provides a decent (if a bit uninspiring) boost. The values and components I chose are (barely) educated guesses and I haven’t bothered to learn Spice so I can’t really comment as to what would affect what, but I figured someone smarter might be able to take the idea and run with it. At the very least this schematic should provide a halfway decent starting point.


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I remember looking into Retrovalves as well back during the tube shortage but I could never find anything about the construction. They had ready stopped making them so I guess they didn't sell well back when tubes were available and cheaper.
