Beatle Juice Fuzz diode question

The build docs on the Beatle Juice Fuzz call for OA200 diodes on D1 & D2. It says next to that DO-35. Am I safe to assume that means it's calling for a 1N4148? Thx
Ok so mostly NOS English production (Mullard) is about all I can find. Might purchase from an English supplier but will start the 1N4148 diodes and evaluate. Thanks for getting back.
Hijacking this thread for a second, here's an additional question for the Beatle Juice. Tayda, Stombpox Parts and Small Bear don't have BC547A transistors, what would be a good substitute?

As a PSA, I bought these from eBay U.K. and they are legit. Haven't compared them with 4148s, but they sound fantastic and were about $7 shipped

I also used BC547Bs from Amplified Parts and they are good as well.
Thank you. I saw those also and was wondering why they looked different than the ones in the photo from The Mocker PCB above. So why do they look different?
I got a bunch of those from (I believe) the same seller a few years ago. I think it's just a stock photo of "diodes" they happened to use, as the ones I got look exactly the same as the ones in the pedal. Honestly I was unable to hear any difference between those and 1N4148s/1N914s on the various BBs I've done around these circuits; they're just another good all-around silicon diode (but I lean heavily towards the "forward voltage is the only audible factor in standard config Si clipping diodes" side of the great clipping diode debate). Mojo is as mojo does, I suppose. I mean, I still bought them, didn't I?

That PCB message – very Finniganesque of them. "These were hard to find" = :ROFLMAO:
Also, the original Vox amps don't specify the A–C gain ranges for the transistors, and the available schematics vary for part number (one uses BC109s for both Q1 and Q2, another shows a BC109 for Q1 and a BC107 for Q2). Probably no matter; I've tried a number of permutations and gain ranges and they all behaved similarly. I'd say it's a case of anything over 200 hFE and just a matter of personal taste after that, maybe erring on the side of the higher beta in the Q1 position. BC547B will probably do just fine. (The incredibly reckless misbiasing at the base of Q2 will probably swamp whatever you put there anyway!)
Reposting a question. Is there a mod I can do to have a wider spread on the Beatle Juice's volume? It gets super hot all of a sudden at 9 o'clock.
Maybe a B1k pot.
I used 2N2222A transistors and 1N4001 diodes and it sounds great. Also used an A10 pot for volume and it's probably only marginally better than a B taper for spreading out the volume leap! I don't know what affect changing the value would have but not much is my guess. Try it.

This is a great pedal.
I used 2N2222A transistors and 1N4001 diodes and it sounds great. Also used an A10 pot for volume and it's probably only marginally better than a B taper for spreading out the volume leap! I don't know what affect changing the value would have but not much is my guess. Try it.

This is a great pedal.
I love this pedal as well. One trick pony but for psych leads it kills. Thanks for getting back
I did mention the idea of using a 1k volume pot instead of a 10k based on Robert suggesting a C1k replacement on the... hmmm I can't remember which pedal (it was a fuzz pedal I'm sure) to give more travel as you turn up the volume, instead of it exploding at one end or the other. I'm not far enough along in my pedal building to know if that may work here, but that's what I was suggesting. Thanks for the input(y)
Put a 10k resistor across the volume pot to lower it to a 5k. Worked great. Lot more control over the sweep instead of exploding at 9 o'clock.
Did you end up using a A10k or B10k like the doc lists? I am starting the Beatle Juice and I have both on hand. I also have an A5k if that's what you ended up with using the resistor.
I tried the resistor approach across the B10k. Initially felt there was an improvement but now not so. I will replace with the A5k and get back to you. Thx💪