Bootleg Diode Orientation

Mr Phil

I built the Bootleg (Moonshine) with a 3-way switch and sockets for two of the diodes (D4 and the LED). The pedal sounds great with the switch on D1/D2 or in the center (no diodes). However, it sounded a little off with D4/LED diodes installed per the build instructions.

I starting poking around with my meter. With D4 and LED removed and switch in the center (off), I get continuity across the red and blue areas, which should correspond to the areas I've marked on the schematic (see pics). However, that would mean both anodes of the D4/LED diodes are on the same side of the circuit, which does not match the schematic. To make things more confusing, I went back to the LED polarity thread, and it seems the screen printing on the board is opposite (A is on the square pad instead of the circle pad).


I did flip the LED around and it sounds better to my ear. I'm speculating the A and K labels on the board and build instructions are swapped for the LED, or perhaps I've misinterpreted something. Hopefully one of you can clarify for me and everyone else. Thanks!
There is a separate thread about LED symbols which might be helpful. In short, I think you might be correct.
Yeah, I think you're referring to this pinned discussion. I've read it a few times and keep a printed copy of the LED symbols on my work bench. The Bootleg clipping LED doesn't match those.

Thread 'LED polarity'

To be honest, I'm happy with my build as it is, but would like to clarify for anyone else that builds the Bootleg. Before starting a build I always search the forum for any common questions, issues, tips, mods, etc. I'm guessing others do the same.