Cannon Fodder MKII blast switch doesn't do much until engaged awhile

When I engage this switch, it doesn't seem to do anything until a note has been sustaining for awhile. I expected an instant change with the feedback loop and dramatic change in capacitance.
The Effects Layouts board Long Tom,works pretty much the same, also dependent on knob position. I think it's either the "Gain" or "Shape" knob, can't remember. Haven't used it in a while, but I had it dialed in where anytime I would stomp the momentary switch, it would instantly engage.
The Effects Layouts board Long Tom,works pretty much the same, also dependent on knob position. I think it's either the "Gain" or "Shape" knob, can't remember. Haven't used it in a while, but I had it dialed in where anytime I would stomp the momentary switch, it would instantly engage.
thanks for the info. I've tried setting it all over the dials. doesn't react the way I see it in Pete Thorn's demo video for the real Wave Cannon mkII. it works, just not how I was hoping.