Cleric fuzz


Well-known member
This thing brings a little sumpin' to the muff family that I haven't experienced yet. There's enough gain to compete with my shika fuzz but the tonal options are so much broader. As I've heard a few people say, the HPF is definitely what makes it interesting. Much like I was saying about the Frequency Interchange, being able to really dial in the right amount of meat is extremely handy and adds much to the versatility if the circuit. I'm actually more impressed than I was expecting.

I haven't used it in a band setting yet so I can't comment on the utility for bass. I'm not sure whether or not I'll disappear when I step on it like 96%of muffs. Hopefully the scoop isn't too intense but we'll see. I can say that my p bass and tele both sound absolutely fantastic through the cleric.

Lms teal powder drop with ai prompt "tsar Bomba Thomas Kincaid." Stewmac ivoroid knobs.

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The demos of this pedal all sound huge. I'm super tempted. Any new thoughts on this one? Would you recommend?
It's genuinely the most unique-sounding take on the Muff that I've heard, and being able to put the tone stack in high-pass-only mode is a super novel feature that will show off cutting tones you can't really find elsewhere imho. It's a quick build with a relatively low parts count too!
I'm sold. Is there an easy way to do high-pass only on a standard muff? Lift the ground on the low pass tone control side?
Hmm, if you did that you’d still leave the capacitor from the LPF in the circuit, I’m assuming you’d need to break the connection to the lug of the tone pot?
Looks good. I've never seen those knobs before. They remind me of something, but I can't put my finger on it.

I had the first run one and it was the worst sounding muff I ever played.
In shootouts it's also always the harshest, most scooped sounding one. 🤷‍♂️

I was watching tons of muff and muff clone/variant demos when I was on a BMP kick a couple years ago and I agree with you. The Death By Audio Fuzz War is another that I just don't get the hype about. Every demo has sounded awful, especially side by side with other muff style fuzzes.