Conqueror Supreme transformer height?


Well-known member
Almost ready to wrap up my Conqueror Supreme build, but I noticed that the transformer is just slightly too high and bumps against the bottom of the enclosure (1590BB purchased from Love My Switches). I tried really pushing down that side of the board when soldering in the rotary switch, in the hope to squeeze every micron of space, but it's still a bit too high. I think I can probably screw the lid in but it won't be a tight seal.
Is there anything I can do? Spacers? File the transformer down (JK)? Pray to Zeus?
I just finished the Conqueror (make sure that all of the transistors are oriented correctly...just saying...). I used a 1590BB and ran into the same problem. I put a piece of electrical tape on the top of the transformer, and put the lid on till it was just snuck, a shade less than 1/8th on an inch gap. Make sure the screws are all even. Works fine.
I may be confusing this with a different variation on a transformer-in-the-circuit pedal that used a 1590BB. do you get more room if the transformer is on its side? that would require wiring it to the pcb as well but you might be able to close your case. you would need to stabilize the transformer with something if that would work.
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