Cream Pie

Erik S

Well-known member
Wow wow wow. This thing fucks.

Never has a power chord felt so powerful.

Lotta bass I guess? Actually got me to look at the schematic which is pretty rare. I’ve been doing my best not to learn anything, but I’m making an exception to try and figure out why this sounds like this. I don’t know if this would “sit in the mix” or whatever, but if you’re just looking to melt your own face - 10/10 recommend.

I mixed up my frantone clones and put this in an enclosure labelled “peach” 🤦‍♂️
I also fucked up the enclosure pretty good, but I’m loving the sound, so it’s gonna stay like that for now.

If any of you would like to take pity on me and drop some knowledge about caps and tone filtering, I’m all ears.
