Crunch Captain to Angry Andy


Active member
I’m kind of fascinated by the sound of my Angry Andy, and I’m wondering if anyone can help explain the circuit a bit and how the component changes between it and the Crunch Captain work/why they were made?

I had a Danelectro Daddy-O (Guvnor) as a teen and the AA really takes me back to those days when I play it.

Anyone have some insight to share?
Is this a trick question?

The AA doesn't have any component changes compared to the CC, other than an added clipping diodes option.
Is this a trick question?

The AA doesn't have any component changes compared to the CC, other than an added clipping diodes option.
It has two gain stages, using both halves of a dual-op amp chip, followed by hard clipping diodes.

To explain the circuit, refer to this article about the Guvnor: ElectroSmash - Marshall The Guvnor Analysis. Everything there applies since they are all Guvnor-based (CC has a simpler tone stack though).
I was just going on a cursory glance at the two build docs in the PPCB store and thought I noticed some slight differences in component values etc.

Thanks for the link.

On the AA, I'm curious about the "wattage" switch. Is one position red LEDs, one position BAT41's, and one position with no clipping diodes at all? Which is which?
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