SOLVED Danae - Dropped it


Well-known member
So yeah……..dropped my Danae and now it’s not working.

Passes audio on bypass, lights up, power to the IC.

Thoughts on what it could be?


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So not sure how this physically landed (butter side down or not if you will), but have you checked all the switches and pots to make sure the shafts/toggles didn’t get jammed into the works and lose continuity?
Oh no! You let the hype out!
Get a bigger hammer!
No seriously. Tried giving it a whack with the pedal engaged? My money is on cold joint that broke as well. Though, @Diynot has a good point on the pots. Could have bent/busted/bruised and abused a wiper.
If it was the clipping switch, it would still work.
Every pot except volume is a variable resistor(2 legs tied together) with nothing in parallel so easy to test in circuit. The drive pot is in the feedback loop so will give odd readings. For volume, (leg 1-2)+(leg 2-3) should ≈10k.
Everything else, sans drive will give a reading min to max across either 1-2 or 2-3(consult schematic) only.
Oh. Nope. Sat has a parallel resistance. It's going to sweep something like 0~4.5k, not 10k.