Dirt Transmitter / Cross Contaminator Bias control starves voltage too much


Well-known member
Wondering if anyone can guide me on this - I have a Cross Contaminator that I thought worked just fine until I watched this video demo of the Dirt Transmitter

At around 3:15 he shows the bias and gain all the way down. When my CC is at that setting, it’s way too sputtery to use. Here’s a quick vid.

Wondering what the best way to adjust this is, it’s like I’d want to bias pot to be at minimum when it’s currently at 9 or 10 o’clock. Is this something a lower pot value could achieve? Or maybe… a lower resistor value at R7? Could use some advice before I start tinkering. Thanks!
EQD pedals are notorious for having more than enough range on the controls. If you can get the sounds you want, I wouldn't worry about what knob position gets you there. Did you follow the Build Docs exactly?

Reducing R7 will affect both ends of the BIAS control range. If you can't resist the urge to tinker, I completely understand. Reducing R7 will affect both ends of the BIAS control range, so you probably don't want to do that. Try putting a 10K to 15K resistor in parallel with the BIAS pot. That will move the bottom end of the BIAS control range without affecting the top end.