Double Dragon - A Modded Double Muff


Breadboard Baker
2 build reports in one day? Is he crazy? Does he not work for a living? Relax, guys. I had this one almost done for a while and it needed a finishing touch.

The enclosure I used was from a different project that I quickly scrapped. It turned out to be just a noisy circuit in general, but didn't know that at the time. So, this enclosure was "predrilled" with no template and I kinda screwed up the jack placements so it doesn't close 100%. More like 99%, but it's good enough for government work.

Anyways, I posted a breadboard tutorial on this circuit and I really liked it, but it needed something. The biggest mod I did was add a BMP tone stack at the end of the circuit with an LPB-1 recovery stage. I also took out the "input" cap (it's in parallel with a resistor). To fill one of the drilled holes I at first decided to add an LED indicator to tell which "Muff" I was using. Then I realized that sometimes I needed that input cap to interact with the tone stack better so I decided to throw it back in, but make it switchable and took out one of the "Muff" LEDs.

Lastly, this is a stripboard layout. There are actually 3 boards in there: the main circuit, the tone stack, and the power board with CLR soldered in there. With any stripboard layout, the wiring can be, and in here, is a total mess. I probably need to mess around with the wiring and make it neater, but if it works you won't see it when it's boxed up.

Since I finished a Muffin Factory yesterday I realized that they can sound very similar when dialed in just right. Oh well. Maybe I just got some Muff on the brain recently.


Just installed everything back in the box. It took a while for me to get inspired with the enclosure art, but I finally found it. I decided to go a monochromatic route on this one and was pretty please with it in general. The problem I had was the white paint I used: it was kinda thick/chunky out of the bottle and should have started over, but this is a "free build" for me. The EMBER switch takes out the input cap and puts some bottom end to the overall sound although it's a little backwards: flicking it towards the right activates the input cap. Overall, I am pleased with this one. Since it's stripboard it looks like crap inside, but the sound it produces is all that matters IMO unless you're trying to sell it.

I love it and the story behind it.

I really like unusual control layouts, so thats a big part of why I love it.
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